
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Felize Navidad - Wishing You A Merry Christmas

Like I shared for the past two days, we are enjoying family time together but I haven't missed any days on my account since I started blogging years ago.

So, I wanted to post and share something with you so I forgot that the girls tried singing a non-traditional Christmas Carol before the two songs they did sing and they were being so silly at first with me video taping songs they had never sung that I was worried I wouldn't get any good videos songs but they pulled it out at the end for me.

Here is their first try at a song for me. I am not sure if they are saying the Spanish words correctly but this is the only duet of the three songs and even though they are silly, it is fun to watch.

I hope you enjoy this and that you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas Vacation from the stresses of life!

Remember the Reason for the Season! Have a BLESSED Day!

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