
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merriest Christmas Wishes To You

We have been enjoying being together so much. I haven't wanted to spend anytime blogging so my blog posts will be short for the next few days as I am trying to spend as much time as I can with the girls. Princess Three brought a friend home for the holiday and even though he has been outnumbered four to one, he has held his own! 

We have been enjoying playing games, watching movies, visiting, and of course EATING, and opening presents! 

It has been a wonderful Christmas Day getting to visit through facetime with the grandchildren and I'll share later about our blessed skype visit from our missionary Princess Four in Japan! 

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday seasons! We are surely enjoying ours as we aren't able to get together as often now with everyone working or at school! 

Please enjoy this beautiful song the girls performed for me for Christmas! They have never played or sung either of the songs they played for me but I begged them to perform and allow me to video tape as they usually tell me "later" after we have practiced but "later" never comes and I think their first try is better than most peoples after several tries so I appreciated them allowing me to video tape their one and only playing of either of these songs! I LOVE that they gave me this present. I have already listened to it a few times and love listening to them when I am blogging so I will enjoying it many more times over the years!

I appreciate that they sang a song of praise for their second song as they didn't want to do a traditional Christmas Carol, I thought it was a good choice since this is the day named after him! It is a wonderful "one and only" singing of "Hallelujah" with ukulele accompaniment. 

Have a BLESSED Boxing Day!

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