
Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Shortest Line-Up Ever - Tradition

If you are new to our blog, you won't know that we line up before going in to see presents Christmas morning. 

My family lined up every year before entering and getting presents and we also had to eat a boiled egg and a half of a grapefruit as my mother wanted us to have something healthy before we had any Christmas candy. 

I have posted about this before,
here is a link to a post from 2015.  
Here is a line up from 2011. 
Here is the post from 2010.

I spent a few minutes looking for a picture I saw the other day with my siblings and I lined up but can't remember where it is in the back up drive. I showed it to one of the girls so I know it was there somewhere.... 

Not feeling so great today with sore throat and super tired. I think I overdid it yesterday and hope I feel better tomorrow.

Have a BLESSED Day!

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