
Monday, November 20, 2017

Princess Five Sings a Princess Song

I had the opportunity to go to visit Princess Five this past week. She was having the end of semester "Class Review" for her musical theater class. This was a huge part of their grade. I enlisted a friend to go with me on the drive and to enjoy watching Princess Five sing her songs.

She choreographed two of the dance sequences for the larger group numbers. As you know, she has danced most of her life and has enjoyed that until the car accident kept her from enjoying her last year of dance in high school. I noticed during one of the songs that her left arm drooped a bit in the arm part of the dance but for the most part, I think she has recovered nearly fully in that so I continually give gratitude for that blessing in her life! Here is a link to one of the posts about that.

In the entire program, there were only three solos. Princess Fives was last on the program. I think the director saved the best for last. She is SO adorable but the sound on the video is terrible. I am so sad about that but you can see how cute her facials are and her intonation comes through even though the sound is bad.

They held it in a small classroom theater and there was no microphones and the piano just overpowered everything else. In another group number, you couldn't even hear the singing at all of the soloist so I am grateful that you can hear her somewhat at least.

She also had a solo in the last number where the professor sang the male solo and she didn't tell me she had the other solos in the song. She did great and I am so glad I live within driving distance to visit her and support her in these things.

She has another performance in a few weeks but is just in the choir in this one. I LOVE seeing her on stage. She just comes alive and it makes her enjoyable to watch.

I am SO blessed. When going to view a few of the accident posts for the link, it makes me remember how blessed I truly am to have her in my world!

Have a Blessed Day!

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