
Friday, November 17, 2017

One Year Today Missionary Event

Princess Four has officially been out on her mission for a year today! I was leading the music at church on Sunday and I plan the songs out for a year at a time. I recycle the years music with a few changes each year depending on conferences and holidays but I remember we sang the hymn, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" for our closing song the week before she left and I cried through the entire thing! 

We sang that song this past Sunday so I knew that the one year mark was coming up and it just happened that some people in the community planned a fun event for today and it happened to be her One Year Anniversary! They couldn't have planned it better!

I printed out her last letter that shared about what she like in Japan and her testimony of Christ etc and laid it out with pictures in it and then printed it on "rainbow" paper as I knew she would enjoy that. I printed 65 copies.

I woke with a headache today as there is a storm coming and I went to make the copies and somehow ended up at the wrong venue for the event and had to call asking where it was. I hate headache days as I can't think clearly.
It was at a Chinese restaurant and there were about 30 people there. Those that couldn't be there, sent letters with friends to join in for their missionary. There were about 45 letters from all over the world from these missionaries from our area.

Most of them graduated within a year of Princess Four either side and she will enjoy getting a packet of letters from all those friends for Christmas. I included her own in it so she could see what I sent out from he. I got to visit with lots of the ,kids friends moms while eating.

I forgot to get my camera out while we were picking up the three tables worth on both sides and ends of letters but did remember right at the end after most people left. It was good to catch up on what their kids were doing on their missions.

They had all the parents get up and share who they were, where their child was serving and any suggestions they have. I shared that today was her 1 year anniversary, that she is in the most northern part of Japan that they will allow girls to live and, it is SUPER cold. I also shared how I sent pictures of her gifts in color in her Christmas package and how I sent all the holidays together due to the expense of sending the packages so if any other moms had kids that would be out next year, they could do that.

I also got an adorable video from Princess Four today as she wrote her first song! She wrote it on the ukulele and I want to have her send it in a shorter format so I can post it and will ask if she can do that and hopefully be able to share it as it is fun with English and Japanese mixed in.

It was a good day even though I fought a headache all day. Princess Four will be home near the end of April! Yahoo!

Have a Blessed Day!

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