
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

It Only Took 22 Years - Texturing The Garage

I did something today that I have never done before. I textured some of my garage!

I bought some texture a few years back when I updated my bathroom but then got scared and hired a guy to come ad do the skip-trowel on my bathroom wall. So, I have never done texture before. I have done taping and mudding between drywall but never texture.

Due to my lack of experience, I put it off for a few weeks as I was afraid I would mess it up or was just afraid to start another project as I have so many to do. However, I HAD to pull the shelves away from the wall several month back for an issue so I didn't want to put the shelves back on the wall before finishing the wall because finishing the garage was one of the top three things I wanted to get done when we bought the house over 20 years ago! 

I wanted to replace the counter tops. Get new blinds for the family room upstairs and to fishing that garage. It took me over 15 years to get new blinds and I still haven't replaced the counter tops so to get something done on the garage, even if it is only one wall and part of the ceiling, is still something! 

There was one spot where someone stepped on the drywall in the attic and caused the screws to rip through and there was an issue as the drywall was hung just to one side of the stud so there was nothing to screw it into and I screwed it in at an angle prior to the mishap of them stepping on it in the attic so I came up with what I thought was an inspired answer and now I wish I had taken a video of it but I took little metal pieces from an erector set an screwed them into the drywall and wood and then the metal piece held up the other side of the drywall.

I used one short metal piece and two longer and then I just spackled over the metal pieces so there may be al little more texture on that joint area but I don't know that anyone is going to notice it and you can see in the bottom picture how awful it looked. I used the joint tape over the holes where the screws and nails pulled through and it came out great! 

I had a coupon for Ace hardware so I purchased the texture a few weeks back but wasn't sure how much I would need so I purchased another 5 gallon bucket today just for good measure. I started early in the day but it was cold and I went to purchase the other bucket and run some other errands, pay some bills etc and so I got back to it after dark and it was so cold that I had on a hat and socks etc to try and keep warm but I am still trying to thaw.

I am hoping to get the primer and paint done tomorrow so that I  can move the shelves back on Wednesday. Three of the girls are coming home for the holiday and said they would like to go through the bins of their stuff that are stacked in the garage but they can't get to them due to the nightmare the garage has been for many months with all the summer events, surgery, moving Princess five to college, the play etc. 

I wanted to finish the outside stuff before it snowed and it snowed this week so I figured I could work on the garage now as I am done with the yard as it would damage the trees now with the cold to prune the last few trees in the back that I didn't get done. 

All in all, I think the yard is looking better, the house is looking a mess presently as I am sorting stuff from three different rooms and am still working on my mom's history stuff but they ARE getting worked on at night when I couldn't work outside so nothing is stagnant which is WONDERFUL as I haven't been able to get anything off the list for years! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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