
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Running Out of Steam - Priming the Garage

Last week I posted about how I had more energy and was trying to give up drinking coke for the caffeine as I know it isn't  good for me.

I have been so tired again these past few days that I haven't gotten much done until yesterday when I drank a 2 liter bottle of coke so I could get that section of the garage textured. It took me so many hours just to texture that one wall and I didn't really finish one wall as I ran out of texture and need to finish this section so I can put all the shelving back and all the stuff that goes on the shelving so I can pull out the next section of shelving on the other side of the stairs on that same wall. 

For my first time doing texture, I think it came out fairly well except for where the old drywall tape had come loose and I thought I could restick it using glue sticks or texture but in a few places, it bowed out causing a few lines in the wall so I would share that if you even have the situation where the tape wasn't finished soon after it was put up, remove the tape and use the new fiberglass tape with the holes as it worked much better. 

It was so cold that the texture didn't dry so I had to put a heater and fan in the garage today to try and get it dried so I could paint. I put two coats of primer on the wall today and it took me all day as I was so tired from yesterdays push to get it textured. I am sure a professional could have done both in a few hours but for my efforts, I am proud of myself that being so tired and having so much to do, I could take something new on rather than just putting the shelving back with the wall unfinished again. I knew that I would NEVER remove those shelves and all the stuff on them and pull them away from the wall to finish the garage if I put them back as there is just so much yard, house, camping, tools, emergency prep stuff on the shelves it took me a few days to get the stuff off and move them. 

Knowing I will have the girls home for a few days, and that they will be able to help me get to their stuff, and there is a huge pile of "Ebay" sales stuff I had out there to sell 15 years ago before my divorce when ebay was still a way to make money before everyone learned how to post online. The divorce happened, I lost my ebay account and being single I never had time to get back to it and the stuff has just been stuck in the back of the garage where I never had time to dig it out and get rid of it. 

I am REALLY hoping that with this time of "calm" in my life which I haven't had in so many years, I will be able to get those type of things out of my life! So many things have just really gotten buried as I only had time to deal with emergencies. 

You have NO idea how happy getting this one wall of the garage done makes me. I know it sounds stupid but it is just a start and hope of things to come in my world! Finishing my "list" of things needing to be done! I used to play the piano or guitar every night before bed when things were "done" before my divorce and kids were older. I has been years since I have done either! I am looking forward to a time when my house is in order so I can do that again! 

Have a Blessed Day!

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