
Friday, September 1, 2017

The Coveted Shirt and A Happy Visit

Today was a good day. I was up a few times in the night giving pain medication but for the most part, I got some good sleep in the morning hours. 

I heard that some friends were dropping a child off at a university near where I am currently staying. I have been so busy that I didn't have time to call them when I had hoped and thought I had missed them. I got their number from a friend and called them at noon hoping they were still in town. 

Imagine my joy when they were literally pulling out from saying "Goodbye" to their oldest child at college and when I called, they were also literally a few blocks from the house I am staying at presently! They were going to get some lunch and then were heading on the road for their 9 hour drive home! 

I suggested they come eat here so I could visit with them and keep an eye on my surgery patient. We called our order in and they went to pick theirs up and our order was being made right after theirs in line so it worked out well.

They came and we had a wonderful time catching up. The last time I saw them, they were newly weds and had NO kids so it was at least 18 years ago. I think I remember Princess Four was a baby. 

Once they headed home, I figured I could work on my fathers quilt. I laid out all the shirts and figured out placement, colors etc. The single shirt highlighted at the top was coveted by Princess Three and Two today. I almost kept it as it is super funny but think it is representative of some time in my dad's life. I called his wife asking about a few of the shirts and she informed me she had a shirt that would be cute on the quilt. I knew Princess Three would be driving through her city to where I am staying and asked her to make two stops and pick up a few shirts for me. 

My father helped open a Charter School and I wanted a shirt from the school and my nephews attend that school so she stopped and picked up a shirt with the school logo and mascot on it so I could add that to the quilt. 

It is slow going but I had to clean it all up to sleep and have Princess Three go through all her shirts so I can get some stuff out of my house. I am enjoying putting together the quilt squares. It would be wonderful to finish it earlier than later! 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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