
Monday, September 4, 2017

My Japanese Princess - Things Are Looking Up

Good morning  beautiful star shines! The earth says hello! (I had a dream with Johnny Depp in it this week, so he deserved a "Charlie and the chocolate factory" quote, and a "Pirates" reference.) May or may not have met a man name Kameyama. Aka turtle mountain, and given him a card, so that was also a highlight. BUT! 

Miracles of the week!!!!!!!! 
Didn't get hit by the missile launched by North Korea that flew over Japan.... so that was a good start of the week!
We were able to move a less active/part member family. The ones with the cute kids. Yeah.... I just love them!!!! 

We taught our first official lesson to Ayaka, and it went over well. She said herself we are like Lehi, and she is like Sam being invited to the tree. Then we told her she was like Nephi and invited her to start reading the Book of Mormon. So good!!! She was talking about Adam and Eve, and the fruit in Lehi's dream in 1Nephi chapter 8. She will partake of it! She can taste of Gods love!!!! And so can we!! Just hold to the rod!!!!!!!!!!! 

I also chose to follow the spirit, after companion shimai followed the spirit, and it led to a miracle! Because of her example, and both of us choosing to be brave, We found a nice older man WHO TALKED TO THE MISSIONARIES 30 YEARS AGO! He gave us corn. We gave him a Book of Mormon. He had a turtle on his wall. We passed him to the elders. Life is good!

This week was a lot of planning for our new Toeic class, because it needs to be impressive because due to brother Stewart, A LOT of his colleges graduate students are coming.... kind of intimidating, but we have prepared well, and the lord will take care  of the rest!

We got fed two meals in one day! One was a birthday party! TOO GOOD! When got sends rain, make sure you close your umbrellas, and have an empty stomach... DRINK IT!!! 

We made some goals this week, and we are focusing on HOPE!! In PMG it defines hope as
"Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance. It is believing and expecting that something will occur. When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good. Hope helps you conquer discouragement. The scriptures often describe hope in Jesus Christ as the assurance that you will inherit eternal life in the celestial kingdom."
That opened my eyes!!!! I didn't realize that hope was TRUST!!!! JUST TRUST IN GOD!!!!!!!!! 

I also had to translate for the Stewart family in Sunday school and relief society..shima.... They used words like The Great Basin, and Promised Land, and Martyrdom... My language skills are improving very much.... haha It was very fun, and I am grateful for their kindness!!

There are so many other good thing!! But Just know life is good. Shimada companion is an angel. Higashi area is the I am learning to trust the Savior, and align my will with God's will. I am also picking up some Japanese along the way. 

Find the good in this week. HOPE for the best! You are all cucumber potatoes. Aka cutie patooties in my book!

福音は真実です! The gospel is true! 愛しています! I love you! 

Thanks fam.... I love this shirt.... more than words can say!!

My comp is AMAZING!!! And I had to write the scripture in Japanese. Lol.
Fish paste.... fried... so yummmmm.
The cutest children. I love them. With alllllllll of my Kokoro!!!!
Shinkawa san and sushi!
You have to cook your own food at these restaurants. Just japan things.

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