
Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Best Cash Back Credit Card Available - Citi Double

I was at the hospital for most of the day with a family member who had surgery. They have a well oiled system at the hospital where they get people in and out in a very scheduled manner. It wasn't quick but it was efficient. 

I was there for hours waiting as the wheel turned and knew I would have some "sitting" time so I brought my credit card bill and a calculator to work on getting the bill paid. I have used credit cards for all of my adult life. I have never paid interest on a credit card. I got my first credit card when I was 18 and read all the fine print as my mother told me her lawyer father told her to NEVER sign anything without reading the entire thing in full. I read the entire document when I applied for, and got my first credit card. It was a local department store called "Cherry and Webb" and I applied for the card as I got a discount on my first purchase by applying for the card. I got a $500 credit line and purchased some Estee Lauder powder and a brush to apply it. I immediately paid off that card as to not get charged the crazy interest rates. Due to that one transaction, I had a credit rating.

When I got married the month I turned 19, my former spouse applied for a Discover card and was denied even though he had a college degree, was 26 and had a good paying job. I applied for a Discover Card and got one without a college degree and a minimal paying job! Good credit can work for you. I got cash back on that credit card regularly and still have a Discover card today.

They will sometimes give me $20 to use the card at a specific store or stores so I use it then, for the most part, I use the card that will give me the most cash back.

I wanted to share another post about this with you as I think it is CRAZY NOT to use your good credit to make money! If you look at my blog for the past few months, you will see that I had some work done on my roof and rain gutters and another contractor at my home and with that, I have lots of bills. I usually make between $10 and $15 a month on my cashback purchased items. I also make $12- $15 on paying my bill on time in full. The Citi Double Card gives you 1% when you purchase and 1% in full when you pay off those purchases so for each thing I buy, I am getting 2% cash back. I do buy my gas with another Citi card through a wholesale purchasing club that gives me 3% cash back on gas but other than that, I charge any bill I can.
You can see on this bill that I made nearly $50 this month just paying my normal bills! Next month, I will actually be making more than this month as I will be making the $35 when I pay off this months bill but I put another $1500 on for my rain gutters so I will make more than I normally do by paying off that bill. I wanted to share with you also, if you have a large bill to pay, you can talk with the company, contractor, creditor and ask if they will give you a discount by paying cash up front for the bill so they don't have to wait for their money. They don't have to pay fees to the credit card company.

Princess One had some health issues and went to the ER. The bill was nearly $11,000. She got her portion after insurance paid the bill and she owed over $4000. She contacted the hospital and asked if they gave a discount for cash up front and they took 55% off her bill! Each time they have a child, they get a huge discount for "pre-paying" for services. You can check into discounts for that as well. 

She inspired me, so I called the hospital billing today while I was waiting and asked if they take off for a cash up front payment. They spent 20 minutes running me around the issue and finally, I pinned them down and they said, "We don't offer a cash payment discount after sending out the bills UNLESS you ask for it! So, I could go in the day I get the bill and say I wanted to pay it and would have to pay it in full even though I am paying it quickly and with cash.
I had two different women on the phone for the hospital where the surgery was today and they both talked around in circles until I pinned it down. You don't get the discount unless you ask! I know lots of orthodontists, chiropractors, dance and music teachers will also give a discount if you pay in cash at the beginning of the class or treatment. Just another way to save yourself some money!   

I currently have near $1000 in cash back on credit cards. I am working on collecting enough to pay my house taxes for the year. Check it out! You could earn enough to take a small vacation just by doing what you are already doing..... Just pay your bills with your credit card and pay the cards off in full each month! You could even set up auto bill pay for your credit card

Happy spending and earning! Have a BLESSED Day!

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