
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Closet Cleanout - Lots of Documents To Burn

This past few weeks, I have been digging through old court documents, bills, family papers etc. 

I have avoided looking at lots of this stuff for years as it was so stressful having to put it together in the first place. I have many milk crates full of court documents from the past 15+ years. I have been working on cleaning out my home as I have blogged about in the past few months, trying to do at least a drawer a day if not more.

I figured I need to face these demons and finish this for good as my youngest has turned 18 recently and I am SO thrilled to be able to go through and organize all the papers and documents so I can finish up these stress points in my life. 

I also had many medical documents and personal papers from my mother as I have helped her many times in the past 10 years as well.

I was able to throw away all the girls school documents that aren't pertinent anymore. I was able to get rid of any of my own bills and documents that are over 7 years old as they also aren't needed for anything. 

I didn't get to all my file cabinets yet but at least got through the main file drawer I use and was able to organize my life insurance policies and accounts so that if anything happened to me, my girls would only have to look in one spot. Most of my important documents are in one book but my retirement accounts and plans were not in that book yet. Here is a link to where I share how I organize my important documents. 

It feels good to have some of these things done and cleaned out and as you can see by the huge pile of "burn" stuff, I got rid of quite a bit of "trash" that has been cluttering my world as well as getting organized for the future! 

Not an exciting day in my world, but a good day! I hope you have a Blessed Day!  

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