
Monday, September 18, 2017

Anything Will Do - Broadway Quilt Coming Together

I had a busy weekend with people coming home and then I went out of town for a family event. I had Princess Five coming home for an event and with that, I wanted to show her the shirts I have found for her Broadway quilt she asked me to make. 

I recently posted a few posts about how blessed I have been to be able to go to second hand stores and find a bunch of Broadway show shirts. I was also blessed to find a large canvas of the New York skyline which I hoped she would love.

They wanted quite a bit for the canvas but it has a tear on one corner so I was able to get it cheaper. I was really grateful they lowered the price and hoped that Princess Five would like it. 

I set out all the shirts on the bed so that she could see all the shirts tops I was able to find. It amazes me what you can find at second hand stores if you are willing to spend many hours searching. Even then, I posted that I felt like angels were helping me and truly friends and family did.

Princess Two helped me look and found several that I wouldn't have recognized if I had looked at the racks she looked at. She spent many hours looking with me and I am so grateful for that.

I found out this weekend that my nephew just went to NY and saw the musical "Dear Even Hansen" and that is one of the top three on Princess Fives wish list. I wish I had known he was going. 

I made a video of her reaction as she came into the room and saw the "quilt" and landscape. It was so cute that I wanted to share it with you. 

I truly am blessed! Have a BLESSED Day! 

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