
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Super Fast Internet and More T-Shirts - Amazing Finds

I had a bit of a drive to get to the town where I am staying, at least for a few days, to help my family member that is having surgery. I stopped at a few second hand stores on the way looking for more t-shirts I needed. 

I spent a few hours at the first store going through all the t-shirt racks. I found about 30 t-shirts there for the quilts I am working on. I found these two fun t-shirts at the top and was so happy to find them.

We LOVE "Elf" the movie and "Rudolph" and the "Heat Miser" song was one of my favorite as when I was little when we didn't have movies at our finger tips, the school would find out when the tv stations were going to play "Frosty" and "Rudolph" and we would get to all watch it during school times which wasn't a common thing.

We would also watch "Rudolph" at home when they showed it at night. There weren't the variety of shows that there are now so those were all the options that we had. I was so excited about the shirt that I told  Princess Two about it and she had NO idea who the Heat and Snow misers are! Sad but true!

I hit a second store just before closing after I reached my destination and met someone at the store and they helped me go through some racks and we hit a jackpot finding about five Broadway Show shirts.

The store turned the lights down as they were closing and I asked her to hit the backside of a rack and I was SO excited when she pulled up the "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" shirt! It is a Disney Mary Poppins original. I am so excited for Princess Five to see the shirts we found. 

I was praying I could find the shirts I needed for the quilt I am wanting to make for my dad for Christmas and my prayers were answered. Between the two stores, I found the EXACT shirts I needed that were on my list. I wanted a few shirts that would represent a few times in my dads life and one that would represent all the missions that his children and Grand-children have served. 

I found the taller stack of shirts today! Every shirt I had on my list for my dad. I brought all the supplies I need to cut the t-shirts into squares. If all goes well with the surgery, I hope to get all the shirts cut this week. I don't know that I will be able to get it done soon but hopefully before Christmas. 

Have  a Blessed Day! 

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