
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

T-Shirts for Quilts For Days

Over the past few months, I have been traveling to a city a few hours away to visit with a Dr. I go every two weeks for the past two months. 

I have never spent much time in that city and the only time I have ever stayed over night there was in High School when I returned from New Zealand. My mother wanted to see some shows so we stayed there over night and she went to a few shows. I went to one with her but was so jet lagged, I slept through the entire play. 
A friend informed me after my first visit there, that they have a huge new second hand store. She knew I was looking for Broadway show shirts to make a quilt for Princess Five and suggested that I look at the store there when visiting the Dr. 

I got directions to the store and went after my second visit to the Dr. I spent about three hours going through all the racks of t-shirts in every section of the store. It was a huge store and they had the best prices. Most of the t-shirts were $2 or less. Many were even $1 and a few were $3. At our local second hand stores, men's shirts are $2 or $3 and women's t-shirts are $5 and $6. 

I was so happy with what I found. Each time I have gone, I have found at least 1 Broadway show shirt and sometimes up to three. Princess Five is thrilled with the collection I now have.

Today, I got a few more and we are up to 20 shirts now. Several are for the same shows as I have three for "Wicked" and Three for "Phantom" but they are all different so I think we can make it work. I know she wants a few of the more popular shows but I may just have to order those from official sites and pay the huge cost to get those more popular shirts. A sweet friend gave me her "24601" shirt from Les Mis the other day for her quilt and I thought that was really kind as I know she still wore the shirt. 

I am working on a quilt for my dad depicting his life and have found some great shirts from that store in the past months. I have a few more to find but was really happy with what I found or already had at home. I also have been collecting shirts for a Disney Princess quilt and a Mickey quilt.

I have, over the years, collected funny t-shirts for myself and have found a few gems to add recently there as well for $2 or less each.

Because the price is right, I have also collected a few "Star Wars" shirts and some cute Disney shirts which will be a fun quilt. My goal is to make 5 quilts so eventually, each girl can get one for their family other than the quilts I make from their own t-shirts from their schools, clubs and life events. 

I will do as I always do, and have them draw numbers to pick the quilt they want. It will take me a few years to get them all made but they are already looking good as I have nearly enough for two already. Princess Five saw what I had last week and said she thought the Mickey one would be really cute.  

The room looked like a huge mess but when I folded all the shirts up, I got them down to a bag or two per quilt. I am hoping that in my trip this week, I will be able to find a few more of the ones I need so I can get working on those for the winter months. 

I would like to have the one for my dad done by Christmas but I have so much to do on my mom's stuff that I may not be able to get it done. I have a family member having surgery this week and figured I could take the shirts and cut them into squares while I take care of them after surgery. I pray the surgery goes well and I won't be needed long but God is in charge and I want to have stuff to do just in case I need to stay longer.

I am so grateful my friend told me of the store and that I was able to get all the quilts I needed for less than half of what I normally would have paid. Have a Blessed Day! 

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