
Friday, August 18, 2017

Another Frustrating Internet Day Filled with Blessings As Well

I woke this morning headed to a Food Bank Board meeting to find Princess Five's car had a flat tire. I took her car in this week for an oil change and for the tires to be rotated but when I left the tire place and went to run an errand, I walked around the car to find the wheel well plastic sticking out and a dent in her car.

I will admit that her car is old and a teenagers car but after her roll over, we are so grateful to have a car. I took the car to the tire place today and showed them the dent and asked if the plastic well cover was sticking out before I took it to them, I figured "wouldn't they have put it back when rotating the tires or warned me about it?" I think maybe the kid pulling it out of the bay or rotating the tires dented it. It was on the passenger side so I didn't see it until checking the air in the tires after getting out at the next store.

It was closing time so I didn't take it back and then yesterday with all the migraine and throwing up going on and not getting out of bed until five p.m. I couldn't take it back. With the flat, it was an adventure on its own. The jack in the back of the car was rusted so much Princess Five couldn't get it to work. I arrived home later after typing up the board meeting minutes with a whole car load of CHERRIES!

The food bank had a full pallet they didn't think would last until Monday and they aren't open on Fridays so they told me to take
what I wanted. They were yummy and I want to try and dry some but won't have time until later this weekend. I delivered ten flats to neighbors and then changed the tire using my car jack. I later traded her jack out for a newer one from Princess Fours car that isn't being used and I have one buried in my garage at the moment that I will put in her car later.

The car place pushed out the dent as much as they could and fixed the plastic well guard and fixed the flat for free. I can't prove it was them with the dent so I was just grateful that they did what they could to fix it. Princess Five moved all her school bins to a central location to load up tomorrow and I sewed her some bed pillows, a cover for her laundry hamper, and a curtain.

We had an issue with her starting a fire to burn some old school papers in the wood stove but she didn't open the flue so the house filled with smoke and she didn't call and tell me but got a few fans and turned on the fans in the bathrooms which pulled the smoke into the bedrooms, there was a fine coating of ash on things and it took some time to get all the stuff to burn as I had it loaded beyond what it should have been.

I shared with her a story of when I lived in New Zealand and one of my host families used a wood stove in the kitchen daily. They had just gotten new carpet and I had never used a wood stove. I couldn't find a bucket to pull out the hot ash so I put down a stack of news paper and put that in a bag or something and then emptied the ashes. Well, it was hot enough to burn through and leave a small burn hole or two in their new carpet. I felt horrible. I was trying to help but in the end, I caused damage.

I laughed a bit relating it to her and told her to be nice to her kid sometime when they did something stupid trying to help and in the end, it damaged something. She  laughed at my story and it wasn't an issue but we also had an issue trying to paint some rust spots on her hood. I am not sure what happened but it seems like the paint dried before hitting the car and caused rough spots and I have never had that experience before so I am not sure if it is just the silver paint as I haven't used that color before but every can I tried caused problems and we ended up sanding the hood again to get the roughness out.

She got packed up and seems excited to go and told me it was like "Christmas" as she had a hard time going to bed. I was up all night sewing because of the unexpected issues with the car, flat tires, smoke damage etc.  

I shared with you the issues I am having with my internet. I couldn't upload all day. I tried early in the day thinking it was just worse at night and evenings but nope, it was worse and I even got an error message saying they couldn't upload it as the type of file but really, it is just the internet going on and off thousands of times per second.

I had 180 drafts of my post yesterday and had tons the other day as well. I don't know why the internet is so bad currently but now with princess Five leaving, perhaps getting rid of the house phone and getting a new internet plan will help. Like I have shared before, being in a small town doesn't help my options.  

I haven't had time to look into it with the crazy week I have had may have more free time next week. 

Have a BLESSED Day!

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