
Monday, August 21, 2017

In the Middle - Halfway to Home - Japan Princess Four

Half way around the world, and Half way through the mission. HELLO AND HAPPY SUNDAY FROM SUNNY HIGASHI IN HOKKAIDO! Everyone beautiful and genki? I sure hope so! Guess who passed her 9 month mark? Oh hi, yes, hello, it is me, SHIMAI! 

Lets just take a short minute to appreciate the things I've learned about Japan.

Conbinis.... The Pizzamons, and Corn dogs with perfect portioned ketchup and mustard are what get you through the day sometimes. Heated toilet seats, and faucets on the back of the toilets. No one really uses them, but they are always there. Fashion. The t shirts here have Japanese English, and I hope that never changes. The people are so kind! Nothing is better then getting smiles out of people when you yell Konnichiwa at them. No shoes in the house. What is America even doing? Socks only always and forever! The food........ all I can say is yes. Two enthusiastic thumbs up from me! 

Not only have I learned about Japan, and all of the good that comes with it, but I have been able to grow closer to my savior as well. I have learned a lot about faith. Faith can only be in Jesus Christ. Only good things come when we follow the commandments. God just wants to help and bless us, and is ALWAYS THERE! Whether we feel like we deserve his help or not. REPENTANCE!!!!

If you think repentance is a painful or hard thing..... Please study this beautiful gift more deeply. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO grateful for repentance. I use it daily, and pray you will too! We can be forgiven for ALL transgressions. There is NOTHING. Do you hear me? NOTHING! NOT ONE THING! That your Heavenly Father doesn't already know about you. Jesus Christ can help you through ANYTHING. He has felt ALL your sorrows, and pains. HE IS WAITING WITH OPEN ARMS FOR YOU! Sometimes we are prideful, and it is hard to turn to him, but it is always worth it. Why hold on to bad feelings when your savior has already bore them. Just allow him to take it from you. I need to learn to be better at this, but I can't express how much more I have learned to love repenting, and taking the sacrament each week. What a gift!

Miracles of the WEEK!!!!
Shout out to Ashton for the package. It came on my half way mark in America. The day after in Japan. It was just what I needed! 

We taught a lesson in the park. IN ENGLISH!! We met an African man and his Japanese wife who met in school in Russia.... What? They have 2 cute kids, and are CHRISTIAN!!! The lesson was a little crazy, because usually people here have never even thought about where they came from or religion, but these two knew the Bible! Wow. So much respect for missionaries who teach Christians!  And so much respect for those who share their opinions and beliefs with the missionaries. I love it! We taught the lesson in both languages so the fuufu (couple) could understand. And made a return appointment at a different park next Sunday after both our churches! Pray for us! Lets get some baptisms! 

We have a starting date for the new English class! I love the missionary school!!! Yay!!! We are one of the last classes to switch, but we have got a lot of good things going.

We delivered flowers to a part member family because the nonmember dad's mom passed away. The kids are so cute. They might be moving which is sad, but the plan of salvation is real, so that is happy! 

Ayaka is a doll, and we went into her apartment for the first time EVER!   This is a good sign!! I accidentally drank some tea that she said was mugicha, ok tea, but it turned out to be the bad kind. We didn't have the most solid lesson plan going in, but it was because we were supposed to teach the word of wisdom. God probably had a good laugh setting that one up! 

We were able to find a woman who we thought was an old investigator, but was actually baptized, then moved. 

I am learning so many new words with my new comp! Yay Japanese! I can do it! and if I can't, the Lord steps in and provides a way to get the job done! 

So many other fun things! But lets have another great nine months together! LOVE YOU ALL!! REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU STAND FOR! 

I found this this week in the Liahona. CHOOSE HAPPY!
"In the midst of becoming better, we can choose peace and happiness now. Even in the midst of the darkest circumstances we can choose our attitude. Viktor Frankl, a well-known psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, stated, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms--to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

An Eikaiwa student made this top picture of me.
I forgot this one on accident last week, but This is the AMAZING friend Shimai. I love her with ALL my Kokoro.
Bachman choro's death day party!
Look. I found my Laurels.
Happy half way soup curry!  
My comp HATES caterpillars and worms, and the like, so she found this in our peas, and almost died.
We saw a Brother from the MTC. He was Shimada shimais teacher! 
May have bought these, and a ukulele as a halfway mark present to myself... yay!  

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