
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Internet Frustrations Part 2 - Moving to College

I truly am so frustrated with my internet. I don't know why it is so much worse than it has been but the past four days, I have tried to upload the same video three different times and I never get more than 50% uploaded and have even left it running all night trying to upload. Just as I started to write this, I got an "error occurred while trying to save your post." The other night when this happened, I got on and there were over 50 posts of my blog for the next day. Half were saved as drafts and half posted and were scheduled to post. I just got a notice asking me to verify that I am not a robot as I have posted so many posts today. My guess is that I will have over fifty of this same post as I didn't have that notice the other night when I had so many problems posting. I took pictures of the page as it was so frustrating but can't upload them as they are on another SD card and if I take out this one, the 50% I have uploaded for hours will be useless so I am not going to post those. These two photos took me an hour to upload as I wrote and edited this.

I have tried to upload a picture one at a time and then tried four and walking away but I know that there must be water in the line as I just keep getting "error" messages and frozen "thinking" wheels going around and around as things won't upload or even download.

It hasn't been the best day for me anyway as I woke early with a horrible migraine which I worried about as it was so bad. I got up an hour or so later and threw up after taking a sinus pill. I laid down and drank some coke and more pills only to throw up an hour or so later several times and dry heaving. It was awful. I took more pills and coke and listened to a boring show which puts me to sleep so I got an hour or two sleep on and off.

I took more pills with Princess Five rubbing my feet and putting oils on my back and neck. I got up just before 5 p.m. feeling a little better. I went with her to print some pictures for her college dorm and then worked on her car after purchasing some items from Home Depot. I got her back break light fixed on her car as it had a loose connection. I reattached her back trunk liner in with plugs and realized I threw out the other pieces a few weeks back. We sanded her hood with some 400 grit sandpaper as she has some rust spots and got it ready to paint but I think I will call the wrecking yards tomorrow and see if they have any that are functional as this one will continue to peel and looks bad making the car look bad. I fixed a few things getting her ready for school and we framed her pictures we had printed and she is getting excited about going.

I need to get her a few more things but am mostly ready to move her in on Friday.

I got stuff ready for a package for Princess Four in Japan but am not sure which address is current so I emailed the mission secretary. I am getting a headache again so will probably take something before going to bed but it is after 3 a.m. 

The video has been uploading for about 4 1/2 hours and is stuck at 46%. It says it needs another 2 1/2 hours to finish uploading but that is about where it got stuck last night so I doubt it will finish but I will leave it uploading hoping to get it to upload. I have about six videos ready to go but can't upload them. I need to change my internet over. This is ridiculous. I have so much going on right now, I hope my life will calm down soon.

Have a Blessed Day! 

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