
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Hairiest Blog Post Ever - Rapunzel Hair

We have had a busy few days with Princess Five getting home, trying to put carpet back in the hall, and getting Princess ready for an event she has next week. I have so much going on that I keep waking in the night not being able to get back to sleep with everything I need to get done this summer before Princess heads back to school among finishing my mothers book edit, sorting, scanning and a few personal issues along with the parasite stuff.

I was helping edit a few songs together tonight as well as putting together a costume for Princess Five and helping a friend whos only daughter is getting married this weekend. I had a migraine all day yesterday and then didn't sleep well so today I dragged a bit even though it was a full day. I didn't get everything I needed to off my list but did get a few things done.

I was supposed to highlight Princess Five's hair tonight but the editing the three songs together kept me from getting to it. I was sitting behind her when she was transferring the song to her phone at the computer after we finished editing it and I noticed how long her "accident" hair had gotten in the past year. Next month will be exactly a year from her terrible rollover and near scalping. Those hairs have stood up through most of her senior activity pictures this past year and no matter what we tried to keep them down, nothing would keep them from sticking up for many of those pictures.

I mentioned today how blessed she is that she has my mothers genes. We have thick, lovely hair and it grows super fast if you haven't noticed from many of the hair posts over the years. I will put a few links on the bottom of this post but I wanted to show you that that spot grew from 3 - 8 inches over the past year. How blessed we are that it didn't cut into her brain and just followed her scalp for a short ways only shaving the hair and causing a small cut.

We know Angels were watching over her and I am grateful that soon, she won't have that hair sticking up as a reminder of that event. We are truly blessed and I hope you also are BLESSED!

The accident blog.

Her hair four months later.

Men Love Long Hair.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.

A Foot Off and Highlights.

And She Wins By a Hair.

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