
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Two Week Tour - Princess Five's Graduation Trip

I have to laugh when I think of my kids on trips and tours. I have raised such independent children that they forget to think that their mother may worry about them.

Over the years, I have squeaked enough that they know if they don't let me know they are "in for the night" that they may not have a working phone in the morning!

It is a bit sad not always knowing what is going on and how the trip is but I know when they get home, they will give me all the deets! I am busy enough that I don't always miss them as other moms may.

I was at bunko with a friend and her daughter went on the last two tours with Princess Five over the past few months. She told me that her daughter called her at least three times a day. I was a bit shocked by that as I don't think I got a call during the first tour at all and this last two week tour, I got one call for about three minutes while she was walking to the bus one day.

I pondered on that and really, I have raised very independent and capable women. They do what they do and I go for a month some times without hearing from them other than a comment or two on our family chat.

They know if they need me, I am there. I know if they need me, they will call. It is just how it is. I shared with my friend at bunko that the only thing I had heard from her for the first week as they had only been gone for a week at that point, was "In for the night" and showed them the text messages.

The next week was even funnier. She condensed her text to "in" and that was it! I laughed so hard as that was it for the second week!

There was one super sweet texts in the middle of the two weeks where she wrote me a heartfelt "Thank you" text saying how grateful she is for me making the tour possible and how much she appreciates me. I loved getting that text and really, it didn't and doesn't bother me that she didn't call or write.

I know if there were  issues, she would have and I am so grateful that there aren't issues. She is independent and had a WONDERFUL time with all her friends as well as making a few new friends. It was wonderful that she was able to go with her cousin who took this beautiful picture at one of my favorite spots in Washington D.C.

She spent a few hours showing me pictures and telling me stories about her trip when she got home and then today, she invited a few of them to our house as they were getting ready to head home. She had a great day playing games, making pancakes and watching a movie.

I was really proud of her as she promised me she would mow the lawn and she scheduled time in between activities to get out and do that. She really has become an amazing woman!

As you can see by the photos, she had a wonderful trip and created many memories! I am SO grateful she had the chance to go and have that experience. It was the end to a very stressful year and I was glad she was able to end on a happy note!

Have a BLESSED Day! 

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