
Monday, April 10, 2017

Blessed or Stressed - Little Visitors and Gems

I have a busy week again but had the most peaceful Sabbath to start it out. I had a wonderful service at church with powerful testimonies and it was a beautiful day.

I appreciated the people that took the time to prepare their lessons and was able to share my testimony. In our church, there is a "Fast Sunday" where we take one day a month, usually the first Sunday in each month where we skip two meals. We take the money from the two missed meals and donate it to be used to feed the needy as an offering.

On this fast Sunday, anyone has the opportunity to get up and share their testimony of Christ or situations that uplift Him.

I shared the situation of "Lauren from Discover" and her telling me to have a "blessed day and asked how we make people feel when we have a short discussion or interaction? Do we leave them feeling Blessed or STRESSED?

I shared how lately, I have been really tired and have felt that I am getting nothing done during the days as I only have a limited amount of energy and how I get overwhelmed by looking at all the things I need to do in my yard, house and for my kids and I end up getting nothing done because I am so tired and don't know what to focus my energy on.

I started to pray for guidance to know what I should do each day and I was surprised by what happened. Not once after praying was I guided to do any"thing" in the day. Each time, I was directed to do something for someone else. Each time I start the day with prayer of what I should do that day, I get a thought of a friend into my mind and am shown that I should call, text or take something to them. You can see some of that with the post I linked to above but, I have really been guided to other people and not once been guided to clean something or fix something.

Usually, after I have followed whatever prompting or feeling I had, my day just falls into place and I seem to have the energy needed to do something on my list for the week. I am not magically better and still can't do marathon 48 hour work sessions to finish things like I used to do regularly, but, I can finish one or two things off my list.

I shared that other people are what is important and how fellowship, friendship and showing kindness to strangers is what is important. It isn't about cleaning the garage or fixing something that is broken or refinishing a piece of furniture.

Today, I noticed my neighbor was struggling with her four children and she and her husbands both had short meetings after church. I offered to bring her kids home and watch them until she was finished. I couldn't take the baby without a car seat so she kept him.

We arrived and they immediately started exploring. I pulled out a few games but as kids do, they found my "bead" jars. My kids have played with these for years and would make murals on my carpet with these and I would take a picture of the final art before cleaning it up.

They each picked a color of bead and made a piece of art to show off their incredible talents and we had a fun few minutes before their mom arrived to pick them up.

It was great to have them come and hear their exchanges and excitement at showing off their art. I enjoyed their visit and am sure they will be back as they made lots of comments about my yard and house. I love visits from little angels and am excited to see my grandchildren next week.

It was a beautiful day and I got to visit with Princess Five and we had a very good talk about forgiveness tonight and we both were able to let go of some things from our past that we didn't realize we hadn't forgiven of others. I am SO grateful to know that I can forgive and be forgiven as it allows me to let go of guilt and anger and sets me free from the hold those can have on our lives.

I am hoping that the more I focus on what God would have me do during the day, I can be less stressed about what I didn't get done during the day. It seems to be helping my anxiety of all that I am NOT getting done and focusing on others and how I can help them. It reminds me once again of how when we focus on others, our burdens seem lighter. Here is a post about that from years back in my life.

I am working on lightening my load but know that as I struggle to get everything done with my mom's estate, if I focus on others, it will go more smoothly! Have a BLESSED DAY!

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