
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Princess Four - Losing My Wallet - Thousand Dollar Kimono

What. A. Week! Or should I say, what a good week! Beautiful souls, we are all so blessed. The amount of miracles I see here are unbelievable! 

image2.JPGThis is the story of how I ended up in the back of a police car... It is actually a very fun story, and it is mine to tell, so I am happy to share it with you! But first:

Fun stories and miracles of the week:
Reino. What a cutie. We met her while she was wearing a rainbow coat, gold sneakers, and tiger backpack, and with huge earring that resembled something I might have worn before the mission. 

image3.JPGI said I wanted to talk to her, just because she looked awesome, but I forgot that I actually could go do that. Luckily (my cute companion) reminded me that we could, so we hurriedly walked across the street and met her. This was a little while ago, but after some texting, we were able to meet her. We didn't have the most spiritual lesson, and I am the worst at conversations in Japanese, but we tried really hard to get to know her, and it worked. Wanna know how? I'll tell you...

While on splits a group of 5 girls said hello to us while we were walking, we turned a corner, but decided to go talk to them, so we ran back. Meet our 5 new middle school friends.

image4.JPGWe chatted for a long while. They asked for a picture with us. We said yes. They told me I was beautiful and looked liked Miranda Carr. I think that is a model, but if anybody knows who that is, please tell me. My split partner is also being trained.. Yay beanchans!! But she can understand  a lot of Japanese thankfully! So we do our best to communicate! We all had fun though. The girl with the bear bag mentioned she danced. They also told us about the snow app. I was like, Is this what the snow app does? And showed them the picture of Reino... Bear girl, I do know her name, but she said she was on the same dance team as reino! What!? She said reino shared that she said she had fun, and wanted to meet us again, so that is happy. yay friends! So ill let you know when all these 13 year olds get baptized.. haha later that split day we met this girl.image5.JPG

And then Another teenage girl after this one, and then another pictured below

Let's just say my split companion, (short term) shimai, is gorgeous. 

Next up: We went bowling. I happened to lose my wallet in the street. Cars ran over my wallet. We found most of the contents of my wallet all the way down the street, but my 100 dollars was missing.

image11.JPGI like to think a nice starving family is now able to buy groceries with that money.  We went to a convenient store, to give them our number in case anybody walked in with my money, and they told us to go to the police station. While walking there a car honked at us. It was an investigator/English class attendee. He was a gem. We got to the police station, and they went out of their way 100000% they had 2 police cars, and idk how many men, go out and search in the rain for my $100 bill. We told them we needed to leave because we had a curfew, and they insisted on driving us home. So yeah.... I wouldn't say the ride was worth 100 dollars, but I still have my health and my family and the gospel, so my life is still rocking.

All the things we found in the street... yes my cards are all bent... my debit car snapped in half... So sorry mom...

Conference was also awesome! Our church leaders are so inspired. I felt like it was my conference rather than General conference! I want to watch it every day! 

I also got to wear this today...

image10.JPGDon't worry... it only cost 1,000 dollars.. They had us eat spaghetti  in them . That was a risky choice on their part. Definitely they put towels on us, and it is a good thing, because I dropped a piece on my towel. There was also squid in the pasta, so I was one happy camper. My companion gave me her squid which made

me more happy.

That is just a little peek into my eventful life... Transfers are this week! I am pretty sure i will be transferring.... I just love my companion Shimai and Muroran so much, but the Lord knows what He is doing! I sure do love Him! 

I am so glad the church is true, because this mission would be very different if it weren't true. I love you all. I love my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. I love God, and know He loves each of you.
Choose to be happy this week!


Shima Princess Four

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