
Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine Princess in Japan

Once again, here is happy news from Japan. Princess is having some issues with mold somewhere so her eyes look a bit swollen in some of the pictures and she is having head pressure when she goes up stairs, hangs her head etc. I hope she can figure it out soon so it doesn't get infected. She is still super happy and doing well. Here is her last letter! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 
"Happy Valentines you Beautiful People! 

I hope it is filled with lots of love and happiness. And don't worry if you're single. Because missionaries are single. And everybody should be like the missionaries. So that is all good! But if you are a male, you better have a date. But no judgement. ha

I had my first splits this week! We did them two days in a row because the sisters that my companion is the Sister Training Leader over live farish away. The older sister was actually in this area, Muroran, when she was a "bean". So that was way fun to get advice from her! She is actually a trainer. Sister F is training Sister R. So that means that Sister R is a "bean" too. She is only one transfer ahead of me. She is two transfers old. 
Which means, two Americans who don't speak Japanese were running the streets of Japan trying to convert all the people! I don't know what it is, but men just love to talk to us.... Go figure.... A men yelled to us in English that we were beautiful. Another man saw we were lost, and tried to help us find an apartment, that we later found out no longer existed.... So we wasted his time.... And then he asked for our facebook and number, but we took his name and number instead, and gave it to the Elders... don't you worry!

I ALSO MET ANOTHER AMERICAN MAN!!! When I was set apart I was told I would teach people who weren't foreign, and boy was that blessing correct! His name was Dale. He is from Kentucky. We talked for a very long time in a store. Gods timing is so funny. My companion needed to fix her socks/we wanted to buy bread, and God just happened to place an American in our path. I don't know what will happen, but we gave him a pass along card to go to He was way down to earth, so who knows what will happen!? God does :) haha

We had a ward Udon party. We invited so many people, but not very many showed up. Which is ok, because more for us right? ha I was pretty bummed, but that is ok!
Do you know that I learn Shiwa here every week? Shiwa is Japanese sign language. So that is a fun fact about my life.

Fun Japan fact: they split up their garbage here. Yay recycling. You have to wash it, and put in special bags, and some garbage types are only picked up once a month, and we have missed that day... twice... ha so we have a lot of plastic garbage, but it doesn't smell because we clean it, so its ok!

Signs that God loves me: I have found 3 coins while being here. coins are like a bigger thing here than in America, so leaving them on the ground isn't super common I think, but I have still found coins. For those of you who don't know this fun fact about me, I always pick up coins because in America they say "In God We Trust" on them, and they remind me to trust in God. So Yay!!!!
I also hear a song that my ancestor wrote,and other songs that remind me of my ancestors all the time. So I know they are helping on the other side.

I hope you are all doing well! Tell your family you love them, Okay!? Send your mom flowers ok!?

Aishiteimasu! Kyokai wa shinjitsu desu.

Love,  Shimai"
The pictures description:
1. My first Mr. Donuts!
it since my family's service mission to Peru when I was 11! It made me SO happy!
3.F Shimai the blond, and R Shimai the brunette on Splits!
4. & 5. A woman was going to drop off bread, so we made a sign for her in like two seconds, but it turned out way cute!
6. Japanese sign language class

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