
Friday, February 10, 2017

First Experience For Me - Grandma at the Childrens Museum

When my children were young, I would take them to the Children's museum all the time. Especially Princess One and Two. We would meet regularly at our local spot and let the kids play while we visited. 
When we moved across the country, the opportunity for the younger girls were much less but when we would go on vacation, we would take the girls to the larger science / children museums in different states and I always enjoyed learning there as well.  

It has been many years since I last went to a children's museum and the last time we did go, it was with my mother. For Christmas one year, she purchased a year membership grandmother pass and would meet up with different families and play with the children at the museum. 

She would let the kids do her make-up and giggle with them at the different learning stations. It wasn't until this past week, that I remembered that about my mother. 

Princess One was visiting a larger city and asked me if I wanted to join them at the new children's museum there. I personally didn't even know it existed as it wasn't the one we had been to years before. 

I haven't been feeling well with so many headaches and am always tired so I told her I would join them for the second half of the day there as I didn't think I would do well driving the long distance so early and then spending all day there. 

In a way, I wish I had gone early and then left for a nap as the kids were not as excited having been there all day already but they were still super cute and adorable and I had a blast playing with both grandchildren. 

Truly, being a grandma is SO wonderful. I enjoy seeing Princess One doing such an amazing job with her kids and her husband is SO good with the kids! He ran around and around climbing up three stories on rope bridges with her. It was wonderful to see her little family enjoy time together.       

If I end up moving as the kids all leave, I would love to have them near enough that I could get a "Grandma" pass and enjoy time with them in places like that. I have a feeling the best is yet to come as I get more grandchildren. It truly is the best part of my world!

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