
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My Acting Princess Five - Taylor the Pushy Actress

As you know, Princess Five hasn't been able to compete in dance this year due to her injuries from the accident and has really struggled in supporting the team and going to 5 a.m. practices when she isn't in any of the dances. 
She is going to the competitions but just hasn't had her heart in it as she is so sad she hasn't been able to dance. 

I have shared how she fills her time with other things rather than feeling sorry for herself and she is amazing at finding things to fill the dancing gap. 

Of course, there is playing in the band and I have posted a few times about her taking up the tambourine as she couldn't do much else with that gimpy arm for awhile but now that she has more time and isn't so tired from early morning practices, she has decided to try out for a play. 
She hasn't done much with acting since "Cinderella" the summer before last. She did SUCH a good job that I still smile when I watch the "Step-Sisters Lament" song seen here. It is worth a watch.

The summer before that, she was the lead in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" playing Lucy. I also still get a good laugh when I watch her singing to Linus, seen below.  
This week she got a lead role in a short play for the team to take to state. She is playing "Taylor - a pushy actress" in a play called "Axe of Murder."  

She was at practice for hours tonight and came home smiling and bubbling about her part and the first thing out of her mouth was, "I get to say the first lines in the play and I am on stage the entire play!" 

They also are having musical theater scene auditions this week and she is planning on doing a duet from "Little Women" and I am excited to see what they will do with it as it is a highly emotional scene where Beth is dying. 

I haven't seen Princess Five this excited about something in a long time as she has had limitations with the accident but we are truly grateful for the experiences she has had as she has kept a positive attitude with all the struggles which is going to help her greatly in life! 

I am looking forward to seeing her take on these two new adventures! Can you tell by the smile on her face she is excited about this? So happy!

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