
Friday, February 17, 2017

111 Week - Dad's Back Surgery

I got a email from my Step-Mom yesterday telling me my dad's surgery was today and that they finally finished their kitchen and painting before his surgery. 

I feel horrible about it as I didn't know my dad was going to have surgery. It really stressed me out thinking that if something happened, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to tell him I love him. By the time I saw the email, It was too late to do anything but write a note which I am sure she didn't see as surgeries are usually scheduled quite early. 

I said a prayer for him and have had him in my mind. I talked to one of my brothers today and asked if he had heard anything and he hadn't but while we were on the phone, he got an email saying the surgery went well and my dad may go home. 

I don't check my email until I am blogging in the evening so by the time I saw the email, I found that my dad was up and walking and they sent him home as he was eating solids. So.... I pray he continues to heal well and takes it easy and heals. As you know, I don't sit still well and get antsy needing something to do and I get that from both of my parents but in particular, my fathers side of the family as NONE of his brothers can sit for more than about 15 minutes before needing to go do something. I hope he will take it easy and actually heal!

I'll keep praying for him and hope he continues to do well and I am excited to get to see their kitchen remodel as I posted about that during the holiday season. Here is a link to that. 

On the lighter side, I keep seeing 111 all over and truly that makes me feel better as it is a reminder that things are going as they are to go and I need to trust that all will work out. In a week or so, three times on my blog/ youtube sites there has been a 111 and I have seen it other places as well but you can't always get a picture of it. I also found a dime today so that was nice. Just another reminder to "Trust in Him" which I can always use. Still recovering from a cold this past week, I am headed to bed earlier than normal and excited to be going!

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