
Thursday, February 16, 2017

College Tour - Ambassador Interview - In God We Trust

This week we had some busy days. Princess Five scheduled some time for an Ambassador interview at the college of her choice. 
Another day, we were able to visit this beautiful temple for our church and go in and do some family history names for a friend by being baptized for his ancestors who had passed on and some other work as we had time.  

We traveled to the college earlier than her appointment as we wanted to visit with some people in hopes we could find Princess Five a job for the fall semester when she enters college. 
We were able to speak directly to two people and then speak with a woman who is a career specialist about when to apply and jobs that may be open. 

Small world, but I paid attention to details at the career office and when we went in to speak to a guidance counselor about classes and the best time to register, I noticed the similar name and we were speaking to the mother of the career specialist. It was a different building a mile away from the other so that was fun. She was super helpful and told us to call if we had any problems. 

Princess did well in her interview and seemed confident in how it went. Of course, you never know as they have hundreds apply for about 20 positions but as long as she felt good about how it went, that is all that she could hope for in an interview so that was wonderful.  

We got the names of several others we need in order to ask specific questions about the scholarships she received and if they can be stacked and how to accept them etc. 

We had a great surprise when she ran into one of the girls from her cheer squad from a few years back. Just when we were feeling a bit lost as she had forgotten the paper telling her the room for the interview, this girl just happened to have a roommate that was an ambassador and called her to find out where the interviews were being held.
Of course, it is as it always is. I found a dime on the ground right in our path after the interview as we went to get sushi to celebrate! We both took it as a good sign and Princess Five picked it off the counter when we got home and put it in the little bird feeder where I keep my "found" money until we add it into the "found" money jar. 

It was a long but fulfilling day as when we arrived, Princess Five said she "didn't feel old enough to be heading to college and was feeling a bit stressed" but after the day was over and we had her schedule picked out, the interview over, names for help with finances, scholarships, job searches, and housing, she told me she "felt she was more confident and less stressed about heading to college now!" 

It was well worth taking the College Day off of school to help her feel more prepared to attend in the fall. I do know we will be headed over to look for a job this summer but at least she is more comfortable with the campus and the direction she is headed.  

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