
Friday, November 18, 2016

God Be With You Till We Meet Again Shimai

It was a very long and stressful day yesterday. I got up to find Princess Four hadn't quite finished packing so I was shoving things here and there in a rush so we could get going. 

My sister showed up to say "goodbye" which was sweet of her. With visiting and doing some packing, we got out about 1/2 hour later than I wanted but we still were doing well on time but I always worry if the car has issues or there is traffic so I like to leave early. 

Princess Four looked so cute in her little suit / skirt and she wore the Asian necklace I found at a second hand store that I thought was fun. I think she wanted something to remind her of home. 

On our way out of town, we went to visit a sister in our congregation that was having some health issues and was in a care facility and we sang her a hymn before pulling out of town. 

Princess Five was packed in among the larger of the two suitcases. I don't think she minded as you can see the smile on her face. She had never been with me to drop any of her sisters off as she was young and worried about missing school for various reasons. It really isn't a big deal as basically, you just pull up, get the luggage out, give them a hug and drive off. 

Princess Five was voted the "mayor" of the youth city council and had things going on but last minute decided she wanted to go drop her sister off. 

Here is a link to the post where I dropped off Princess Two for her mission and she is saying goodbye to Princess Five.  

I was glad to have the company for the trip home so I am glad she chose to come as that is always a lonely drive contemplating not seeing them for 18 months. 

We let Princess Four choose where she wanted to eat lunch after our visit to Princess Two's office. She wanted some spicy Thai food. Who can blame her, she served a service mission to Thailand so maybe it was making a link between her service mission and this full time mission. Either way, we all enjoyed the food. I laughed when I got my "fortune" from the cookie. It said, "Faith is a law." 

I am not sure what the fortune was supposed to mean but I took it that I need to have "faith" knowing everything will be "alright" to quote Jimmy Eat World, "The Middle" song which we heard this week. 

Princess Five struggled when she had to say "goodbye" to her sister before we loaded up in the car to drop her at the curb. You can see the tears streaming down her cheek in the picture. 

Princess Four is all smiles so excited but nervous enough she couldn't really eat. She ate a little but hopefully she ate lots for dinner because she ate no breakfast and maybe got half of her lunch down. 
We were in a line of cars for 20 minutes to drop her off. It was VERY busy and crowded but the line of missionaries at the curb smiling at us as we pulled in was priceless. There was a cute sister missionary from New Zealand there to welcome us and escort Princess Four from the car and help with her luggage. 

They asked if they could take a picture of us so I allowed it as last time they said they couldn't as they didn't want them liable for the camera being dropped or anything so I didn't think they would take a picture but they did so it was great. 

Just as they took the picture, there was a bee that flew in front of Princess Twos face and we joked quoting the Drew Barrymore Cinderella movie, "There was a bee" that is so funny in one scene. I asked them to take another picture just to be sure. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed that the bee ended up being right where Princess Two's right eye is. It is exactly in her right eye. So weird how that happened. 

It was easier to let Princess Four head off than any of the others as I had company with me, I had Princess Two there who works near there so if there is any problem, I know she could help, and Princess Four is really ready and had sister missionaries there to help take her in. I remember the last thing I saw when I took Princess One in was looking in the rear view mirror at this petite girl walking away with a guy about 6'5" and she just looked so small and fragile next to him. I was grateful that there were women there to help her settle in. 

I know that she will be fine and be a wonderful missionary. I MISS HER already! 

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