
Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Visit To the Job Site - Princess Two's Secure

I am SO tired that I just don't have it in me to post much today. I will have to fill you in after I get some sleep. I didn't sleep much last night due to Princess Four being nervous and when I woke this morning, she had a little left to pack so we were a bit rushed. 
In the two years Princess Two has worked in the Human Resources Dept, we have never seen her office. We have never visited her. We have never seen pictures of her office, cubicle etc. I thought we should rectify that since we were going to be near there to drop off  Princess Four anyway. 

We had to go through security and get a large white "VISITOR" badge with the date on it and we had to sign in stating who we were there to see, what building they were in, what office they were in in the building and how long we would be there. 

I had a camera with me and they asked what my "plans" were with the camera and I told them I would only take pictures of her office and nothing else.  

Truly, I had NO idea how secure the area she worked in was until today. There are security gates and I actually had to "sign in." She had to come out and meet us and buzz us through the gate with her security badge which I didn't even know she had. Before we came, she had to "notify" them we were coming, who we were and why we were coming and they compared her notification against our answers I guess.

Glad to know she is safe at work! It was good to meet the women she works with but I didn't ask if I could post the pictures of them so I will just share that with them and not post it here. They, however, offered to take a picture of us in the office so that was fun. It was good to be able to visualize where Princess Two works now. I realize I can't just "stop in" for a visit though so that is rough but since she lives close to work, I can always visit her at home. 

My entire body is sore and I hope I will be up to sharing about Princess Fours big day in tomorrows post.

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