
Friday, May 6, 2016

Bunko Sisters Gift For Mother - Amazing Grace

After returning from the long week of my mothers funeral and then the following week of cleaning out her house and storage units, I was extremely exhausted!  

One of my sweet bunko friends called several times asking if she could come and visit. I was so tired and trying to catch up on sleep that I put her off for a few days.
When she came over, she gave me a gift and a card from my wonderful bunko sisters. Here is a link about them. 
When I opened the gift, it was something I have never seen before. I was surprised that they found something I had never seen before.   

They bought me a wind chime. I have seen chimes before but this particular wind chime is tuned to the first six notes of "Amazing Grace." 

I thought it was an "amazing" (pun intended) gift. It has a lifetime guarantee of staying in tune. I can't imagine that they could ever go out of tune because they would have to be cut short to go out of tune as it is the length of the pipe that makes the sound but I thought it was still cool. 
I got some cards with money in them from friends and neighbors which was so wonderful as it helped with gas and flowers are also wonderful for a few days but I LOVE that this gift will continue to give for many years. 

I also loved that you can take the bottom wooden piece off the wind chime and have it engraved in memory of someone or for a special occasion. I think it would be great for a wedding, birthday, thank you gift, retirement, award, really just about any occasion.

I have many wind chimes in my yard and am so excited to add this one to the mix. I thought about putting it in the front yard but I wouldn't see it much then. 

I decided to hang it in the back yard so that I can see it out my kitchen window and be constantly reminded of my mother when I am doing the dishes, cooking dinner, or getting drinks etc. 

I thought it was such a inspired and thoughtful gift from some of my closest friends! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my world. 

There are so many thoughts and things going on in my world right now and my mothers death is so fresh that Mothers Day this weekend is going to be difficult for me. I may be able to post a more tribute type post next week in honor of my mother but for now, I am grateful to have a sweet reminder of my mother around everyday and especially when there is a breeze, I can be reminded of His amazing grace in my life by allowing me to be daughter to such an "amazing" woman! 

I wish all you mothers out there a wonderful Mother Day, and if you mother is alive, let her know how much you love and appreciate her as you never know how much time you have left with her! 

I love you mom, Happy Mothers Day! I am so glad you are finally free to be with all of us on that special day without worry or care!

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