
Monday, May 9, 2016

Happy Mothers Day To Me

I had a wonderful weekend for the most part. Friday I wasn't feeling the best as there were thunder storms on and off for days.
I was able to get through a box or two of my mothers stuff and Princess Four and Five were home for the weekend so I was happy to have them around. 

They went and bought pizza and some groceries and picked me up a gluten free pizza which is always a treat. They also picked up a movie for us to watch and some ice cream as well on Friday night. 

Mothers day has actually been going on for a week or so. Princess Two came down last weekend and that was a treat and then she sent me a picture of the sign that she bought for me for Mother Day this week and it is the saying at the top about being a grandma.  I love the sign and it matches one I have near a photo of my mother saying, "Mother, a title just above Queen."

Princess Four mowed my lawn front and back which is a WONDERFUL Mothers Day gift but she just kept giving through the week and through the day. It made me smile each time I looked outside and saw the grass mowed! 

The girls did the pizza and movie night on Friday night and on Saturday, I felt better than I have in months as I slept 12 hours with a few wakeful times but was actually able to sleep and dream which hasn't happened in a long time with my mother here and then her passing on etc.

I actually got out in my yard for many hours pulling weeds, sweeping the gutter and working on getting the high weeds from the adjoining field pulled. That was the first time I have worked in my yard other than the time I tried to mow and did the front beds which put me out for two days following so for me to get to do that was wonderful. 

I got a picture from Princess One and her family of two adorable shirts they made me. They know I love back rubs, so they made a shirt with a little car village on the back so kids will rub my back while playing with cars and also one with the alphabet so my grandchildren can practice their letters on my back. It is the best of both worlds, a back rub and time with the grand children! 

Princess Four and Five gave me letters, notes and drawings mid day and the one of me getting married made me laugh so hard several times as I looked at it. So funny. Princess Four wrote some heart felt notes and gave me $20 which was overboard on her part since she also bought me the pizza, ice cream, movie, mowed, and has rubbed my back and feet many, many times in the past week!

Princess Three called me after her busy day and shared that she had someone take her for a photo shoot for my Mothers Day gift and she sent me about 40 photos of her that are BEAUTIFUL!!! I am sharing two of my favorite here but will share more in her graduation post this week.
I got to speak to my step mother who I love as a mother along with her mother who is amazing at nearly 90. I also got to speak with a woman my kids have called Grandma their entire lives who lives where we lived 20+ years ago who is like a mother to me as well. 

I had some wonderful thoughts of my mother and a few tears as the little children in our congregation sang a song at the end of our service about "mother singing me songs" and I couldn't help but think about my own mother singing me to sleep every night singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." 
I had a wonderful day enjoying all my family and LOVED that I got to facetime with Grand-Princess One! She is speaking in almost understandable sentences now. I can usually get the jist of what she is saying and love that she is so verbal and independent!

I am truly blessed among Mothers to have such a wonderful family! 

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