
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Princess Four Turns 19 - Happy Birthday Princess

Princess Four Turned 19 this month. We weren't able to all be together on her birthday but we were able to get together this last weekend and take some gifts up to visit Princess One and her family so we could celebrate at their new house. 

Princess Four LOVES shrimp so I packed up two packages of shrimp and stopped at the store on the way up to get some of the other items needed to make her dinner. 

Princess Ones baby goes to bed early so by the time we finished our five hour drive and picked up some sisters on the way up, we arrived after her bed time. We needed to eat and so I got the shrimp cooking and we celebrated Easter. 

I had given Princess Four some of her Birthday gifts at home before leaving as she is thinking on going on a mission in the next six months so I gave her some stuff that she would need for that. 

She is graduating this month with her Associate Degree and instead of moving home, she wants to work two jobs and get money to support herself on her mission.

She worked for the college last summer doing a summer fun group that hosts large groups doing ropes courses and a few days activities and they have dances at the end so she really enjoyed that so she is working for them again.

She also passed her nursing assistant test last year (Click here for that post) but hasn't been in a position to work at a hospital or nursing home. She went in to the local nursing home this week and found out that many of the assistants that work at the home are leaving for the summer and they need to hire some.

The sad news at the nursing home was she would be making over a $1 less an hour working at the nursing home which is more lifting, showering, "gross" work but she needs to work a certain amount of hours as a nurses assistant every few years to keep her license. 

I haven't ever heard of such low pay for a nurses assistant before and was really shocked at the low pay. I hope she can talk them up some on the pay as they will be down some workers.

If she works for the next three months at both jobs, she can earn lots toward her mission along with what she has been able to save while working at college and last summer. She was blessed to keep her scholarships intact and being an ambassador, she got paid on top of her scholastic scholarship.  

For Easter, I took up some jewelry we had left over from some of my second hand purchases for them to go through. Click here for a post about that you can also search more posts about jewelry as I have done lots with bulk jewelry.

I gave everyone shirts with beanie caps that matched. Princess Two got to pick last and didn't like the "Minion" one I bought but I did find her a "Grinch" shirt as well as she loves Dr. Seuss so we took a cute pictures and a "Gang" picture.
We thought about doing a family photo session but decided to wait until Grand Prince One was born in July but before Princess Four leaves for her mission after the summer.  I'm looking forward to that!           

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