
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Potty Training Momma

We went to visit Prince and Princess One this weekend. We didn't have much time as it wasn't a long weekend but since I had my mother over the Easter Holiday, we had to make due. 

We had fun playing games and watching our church's conference as well. We had the most fun with Grand-Princess One though. It was amazing seeing her eyes light up as we would walk in or she would come and get us for something she was excited about. 

Princess One is expecting Grand-Prince One in July and we are all beyond EXCITED about the prospect of having our first male anything as far as babies go. 

I asked Princess One if she had been taking pictures of her months pregnant and she said she hasn't been taking many pictures at all so I insisted she do the "months pregnant" picture for me. 

She looks like she just has a ball under her shirt. She is SO cute that way. We all got to feel "prince" kick and the girls loved that. The other aspect of parenting that the girls got to see while we were there was "potty training." 

Grand Princess One has been working on potty training and had a few accidents while we were there but did quite well considering all the excitement with six extra people in the house. I loved that they now have disposable potty training pads that have a sticky back to save your couches, beds etc.  

Princess One messaged us all today saying her daughter has only had one accident since we left but she thinks she was on her way to get mom at that point so she is doing well.

I mentioned that it may be easier if they had a little potty for her to go on her own rather than just a smaller seat on a big toilet making her need their help every time but I guess kids will learn as they do.

I had forgotten how much work potty training was and was glad to help but that I wasn't in charge. Funny how you love your kids but are happy when you have done what you needed to do to get them raised. 

It was a great weekend! 

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