
Friday, April 8, 2016

Cute Techie Quotes Stitched in Faith

Princes One is typical guy who loves his tech shows. His wife is a typical woman who loves to create beautiful things. Over the years, she has made some really cute pillows for their couch out of old sweaters. She has taken his old shirts, shredded them and woven them into a door rug.
This last weekend, she and Prince one outdid themselves with creativity. They made some new couch pillows for their home combining both of their favorites. 

Prince One picked quotes of faith and inspiration from his favorite techie movies and Princess One made some pillows and stitched the quotes on the fronts of the pillows with an "icon" from the show.
I think you will have to agree with our entire family when we say they outdid themselves creatively on this project. Princess Three was coveting the pillows saying she wanted to take them home with her.  
I thought it was adorable that Princess One had her husband filling the pillows and had him double check the "Stuffing" to make sure it wasn't too full or not full enough before she stitched them closed. It was so cute seeing the two of them collaborate on such a fun project. 

They had four pillows and one quote from each show or game that he likes. The quotes were:

"Live Long and Prosper" - Star Trek and the "shield" from the original uniforms. 

"I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing" - Star Wars with the "death star" ship on it.
"It's Dangerous To Go Alone" - Zelda the video game and the "triforce" symbol.

"All We Have To Do Is To Decide What To Do With The Time That is Given To Us." - Lord of the Rings and the "ring" symbol. 

I loved the different fonts she chose. I did share with her that the thin strands will wear through as you use it as I did a pillow a few years back and the thinner strands wore with time and washing so if you choose to make some cute stitched pillows of your own, make sure you choose a thicker font such as the one she chose for the Star Wars pillow. 

It was a cute idea that came out very well! I have such a talented family!  


  1. I just want to say thank you for sharing all those Cute Techie Quotes . I have been looking for those for over an hour now. I want to give those quotes to my girl friend. She finds it cute and she really loves Cute Techie Quotes .

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and gratitude! Makes writing a blog worth it when people are so nice! I appreciate you! Have a BLESSED Day! I hope she enjoys them as well!
