
Monday, November 10, 2014

I Fought the Tree and the Tree Won

As you know if you read this blog, I have been pruning my big willow tree in the back yard. I have been using an extension ladder and slowly cutting off branches one at a time and cutting them up and cleaning up. Here is the original post about that.

I have spent hours almost every day cutting off the branches, bundling the twigs and leaves and then cutting up the wood, hauling it and stacking it.  

You can see I have done about half of the tree and have done most of what I can reach with the extension ladder. 

The other day, I was cutting off a branch that wasn't really all that big compared to some I cut. I reached over to my left and cut off the branch as the ladder was wedged into the v in the tree to the right. You can see the branch in the picture to the right and below as it is the one facing the camera to the top right of the picture.

I have been cutting the top of the branch and allowing the branch to then snap and fall to the ground so that I can cut off the bottom and work my way up the branch while it hangs and then I'll cut the branch all the way through when it is really short.

I cut the branch and pulled the saw out when the branch started to fall and when the tips of the branches hit the ground, it pushed the branch back towards me and split the branch back for about two feet and the branch hit me in the chest and thank heavens the ladder was wedged and I was holding on to it or I would have been on the ground with the tree branch on top of me. 

I was grateful that I had my phone because the branch was between me and the ladder and I was holding it up and if I let go, I would be on the ground as the branch was heavy enough that I couldn't climb down with the saw, the branch and holding on. 

The branch was also heavy enough I couldn't lift it over me and drop it. The branch tips were stuck into the ground so I couldn't shove it away from me either. 

On a smarter note, I have never trimmed anything without Princess Five home for just that reason so I got out my cell by wedging the saw between me and the ladder with the branch so I could call her and ask for help. Also, Thank heavens that she had a friend over that could help her drag the heavy branch back some and they both held it up while I climbed down the ladder and then we all back away as we let it drop to the ground.

I have a nice bruised rib or two and am VERY grateful I didn't lose an eye or get knocked off the top of the ladder. It could have been so much worse. Trees really do have a mind of their own. I had cut 15 branches the same way with different results and that one bad branch can do some damage. 

I finally called someone as I knew I couldn't do that huge trunk that is leaning towards the house. If you notice on the pictures that the tree is heavy to one side and is the side towards the house. 

Even the guy that came today said he wouldn't dare do that one branch as you have to climb to do it or use a bucket. So, I called another guy and he is coming this week to give me a bid. There are really not many that need cutting and I can do the clean up work I just need that one large trunk topped. 

After that is topped and the other three smaller branches are cut, I will be able to just prune the tree like I do the fruit trees and keep it topped so that I will always be able to prune it with the extension ladder. I learned that I shouldn't let more than a year or two go past without pruning or the branches get too large to cut safely. 

I truly am grateful that I felt that I needed to get the tree done as one big heavy wet snow and that tall trunk that is leaning could come down and do some serious damage. I also am grateful that I have a growing wood pile and by the time the tree is done being pruned, I should have a good supply of wood in case of emergency and for heating if needed.

I have been collecting walking stick branches for next years girls camp craft. A few years back the girls and I made walking sticks with leather, feathers, beads and markers. I thought since I won't have many branches coming in future years with my pruning plan, I should save some for next year. I have 30 or so that would be perfect. I just mention it as if you are planning some large pruning projects, you may want to have that idea mulling as it was a fun craft. 

As I look at the large bruise on the back of my hand, the really black one on my arm and my really sore chest, I have decided that somethings are just worth paying to have done! I'm sure it will be cheaper than a hospital visit!

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