
Friday, November 7, 2014

It's Friday, Friday, Oh, it's Actually Wednesday!

This year for Halloween, Princess Five wanted to go as "Wednesday from the Adams Family. She mad some plans with friends to come over and watch the Adams Family after they went Trick-or-Treating. 

A few weeks ago while I was helping my mother with cleaning out her closet, Princess Two took the other girls to see "The Adams Family Musical" performed locally. Princess Five wanted to sing one of the songs from the play for the coming years Musical Theater performance but someone  was assigned that exact song that she wanted to sing.

She figured since she wasn't going to get to sing and act it at region and state drama competition, she would be "Wednesday" for Halloween. 

She and her friend went "trick-or-treating" maybe for the last time ever. They hung out until later and then just went around the neighborhood. 

It was really cute, I wondered if she would dump her candy on the floor like she used to as a girl to count it.  
So funny that when she arrived home, she had another friend and her sisters with them and when they came in to watch the movie, she told them they had to dump their candy out on the floor as that is the "tradition" at our house so they can count the good candy and trade what they don't like to others who do want that kind.
All, in all, I thought she made a convincing "Wednesday! Isn't she cute!!!

She said only about three people knew who she was. Guess the Adams Family isn't a big draw for some people. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I love her costume! I'm doing that next year for sure! I hadn't seen it until now. LOOOVE it!
