
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Best Surprise EVER!

I woke to a call fairly early this morning. It was Princess One telling me she and her husband were on their way to buy a car. My father is the most amazing person I have ever met when it comes to cars. If you are in an accident, he can tell you down to the dollar how much it will cost to have it fixed. 
If the car is making a noise, you can tell him or make the noise and he will be able to detect what the problem is with the car. My fathers family is a CAR and truck family. Three of the four brothers owned trucking companies. They would build cars, design cars, fix wrecked cars and several of their sons have taken on those roles and are doing similar things.

Whenever one of my kids or any of his grandchildren need a car, we ask grandpa to take a look at it. He will have you drive it off pushing on the gas hard to see what color smoke comes out. White vs, black and what the smoke smells like and how clean the engine is and how it shifts etc. 

So, Princess found several cars in his city for sale over the past two months. Grandpa has looked at several for them and warned them off of several saying they would have problems etc. Today, he went before work and saw a private sell and called them and told them he would pay the guy cash at lunch and have the car inspected before they arrived as he thought it was a good deal. They had to rent a car for the three hour drive to his city.
I am so proud of them not buying anything on credit. They have budgeted and saved and were able to pay cash for the car and registration etc. I don't know many new parents or even people my age who can say they have over $8000 saved up to pay cash for a car! 

Of course grandpa said he could find a cheaper car of similar style but since they live in the middle of nowhere, they wanted an all wheel drive car. They have done their research and knew what they wanted and due to Subaru's resale and customer loyalty, they were set on one. 

So, Grandpa got them a good deal and helped them get it registered and since Princess hasn't had a reliable car to make the fiveish hour drive to my home, she has never just come to visit except on holidays. 
So, she asked if she could come with the baby in the new car and I was ALL over that! We got the sheets all washed and changed in anticipation and since they would be passing through the town where Princess Two lives, she called her boss and was able to get two days off work  as well and came down with her sister and the baby. 

There were "Happy Screams" when Princess Five found out they were coming and she said, "I will so stay up late for that!" as she goes to bed early as she has a long day with cheer practices etc. 

Grand Princess One slept the entire way down after dinner and we had an hour or so to just enjoy her cuteness before Mommy Princess was tired and needed to get to bed. 

I put all the decorations away a few days ago but left out the stuffed animals for some reason and was going to clean them up today when I found she was coming but then thought that the baby may like them which of course, she did! 

Last time I saw her, she had just learned to crawl. She is taking her first steps now. It is hard not to see her more often but I am counting my blessings today having this extra visit was the best surprise ever! 

I don't think I am going to be getting much done for the next few days other than enjoying my grand PRINCESS!

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