
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A 111 Moment and 11:11 on 11-11

First as it is Veterans Day week,  I want to share how much I LOVE those that serve our nation. Our local guard unit has been called up many times and dear friends and family members have served here and over seas. Here is a post about my brother and others serving.  

So, THANK YOU! to all those who have served and I pray that my Heavenly Father will bless our nations for another year even though at times, I wonder how much we deserve his grace. I sometimes feel that we as a nation aren't doing enough and then at other times, I cry at how amazing people are and how kind and generous they can be. 

With how busy I have been, I wanted to post this 111 moment for a week or two now but I am glad I didn't get to it as I think it goes well with today's post.

On this day of 1's how amazing is it that Princess ONE is here with Grand Princess Number ONE and they have never come and visited me alone before so this visit is a FIRST which is also a ONE. It was such a perfect thing for my day of one's. 

If you don't know why the number 111 is meaningful to me, click here for the original post. You can search and find other days of 111 in my life. Each is amazing to me in it's own way.

This week, I have seen 111 on clocks or in stores and other places at least 6 times. I also walked into a store just after finding a penny and seeing 111 on my clock, only to have the song in the store be playing "Iris" by "The Goo Goo Dolls." Click here to see the first post about that song.  Also, I heard "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World" this week.  Click here to read my post about finding pennies and trusting in God. Here is my post about the song above, "The Middle."

If you want to read more posts on any of those topics, just type the name of the song, or 111, etc into the search box at the bottom of the page and there are many stories of each. 

The one, one, one moment on the store receipt is amazing to me. I was at the store with Princess Four buying some items for storage and things she needed back at college and while there, I noticed something showed up with the wrong price as the one on the shelf said it was cheaper than that. They did a price check and said it was cheaper. 

I had been there the day before buying the same item but they ran out so I had to wait for the truck to come. I looked on my receipt and found that they over charged me for several the day before as well. I thought they would "refund" the money but she said, I will just give you two of these boxes for free. I told her that would be more than what she owed me and she said she didn't care as it would be harder to go to the other register in customer service etc. On it went like that with several other weird things where she miscounted  coupons and I told her I thought I had one more. She found the extra coupon. Princess through some sunflower seeds on at the last minute that were near the checkout. 

I couldn't believe it when the total was 111. Princess laughed saying, "Of course." which is getting to be the standard phrase now. I commented to her how much work it must have been for angels to get that total as there were so many variables down to the last seconds of shopping. 

I love that my Heavenly Father continues to remind me in his gentle ways for me to "Trust in Him" and that everything will be "OK." I am blessed.

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