
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Potions and Poison Halloween Collection - Part Two

I bought all these packages at the dollar store to put into the jars. I bought black and multicolored glow in the dark snakes and one larger glow yellowish "grow" glow snake. 

I figured we could either put the "growing" bigger yellowish glow snake in a glass jar with a bit of colored water and have it like that, or I could put the big snake in with the little black snakes together or all three types together.

I ended up putting the larger one with the black ones in a bigger jar. I decided not to use the multicolored lizards or snakes just so it looked more authentic. 

I did like the centipedes and cockroaches as they both looked somewhat authentic and I put them into different jars. 

I bought these glow dinasour bones thinking they would be great as "rat or bat bones." 

I decided that I could use all the parts even the edges to fill up the jar more as I don't know that any really look like animal bones so I used tin snips to cut the edges into small pieces and stuck them into the jars as well. 

Princess Four while home last weekend actually put one of the dinosaurs together and it took her quite a long time.

I did buy two little kits but after cutting up the edges of the two and the jar was a smaller jar, I just ended up using one. 
I shared before how I used colored sand to fill some of the jars for girls camp "potions" for our Snow White theme. Click here for that post. 

I had enough jars as both Princess Five and I both wanted to have "Potion Jars" for decorating for Halloween that I needed a bit more colored sand. We thought again about using Jello but I figured I would "find" some as I always seem to get what I want and find it soon after desiring it. 
I went to a second hand store this week and guess what they had? Yep, lots of colored sand. They had it at $1.50 for each bottle and they were not full so I asked about it and they marked them at $.75 for me so I was able to get more for cheap. 
This actually is more like colored sugar as it is much larger pieces of "sand" than the others I used but still is great for what we are planning.

Since jars are all different sizes, I used my graduated funnel set and used it to pour the sand into the jars. For the most part, I only used the sand on the narrow necked jars as I wanted to use the other jars with wider necks for bugs etc. 
Some tools needed to make the tops fit, fill the jars and to push things down or pull things out of jars was a metal shish-kabob skewer, a knife and funnels. 

I don't want to make these posts extremely long as there are lots of pictures so I can't get ahead of myself but I pulled out my Halloween decorations and had to pull spiders, flies, little spiders, and ants out of fake spiders webs so I could use them in some jars as well. Tomorrow, I will add pictures of those. I think the sand looks great in this long neck jar. So fun to be able to create all these things. Finding the jars at second hand stores has also been fun. To be continued.....

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