
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Potions and Poison Halloween Collection - Part One

I was going to post this in three different ways. I was going to do the first day, the jars and tops, the second day, what to put inside the jars, day three, how to decorate the outside of the jars and day four, how to label the bottles or jars.

However, yesterday, I spent many hours making more jars and decorating them and putting more things in them and making more cute toppers and so I think I will just write about the pictures on this page and then tomorrow, post about the pictures I took yesterday and then do a third day when I make the labels for them.

I shared that I have been collecting fun an unusual jars for Princess Five to make a "potion" collection for Halloween.

Princess helped me decorate and then we started putting things into jars. I went to my craft room and pulled out anything that I thought would make a good "fill" for the jars. 

I pulled out some fabric and silk flowers and we found these little berries on a vine so she cut them off and the little curly vine portions and she also found this little plastic bird egg in a nest I had so she pulled that out as well and put it into the melted jar that looks like a heart spoon. 

It looks like you could use it like a pestle and mortar so the berries in that make it look cute. 
I love how she added the heart and other body parts on her table as well. 

She has a jar with bloody fingers in it. I bought them last year at the dollar store and went back to get a few more to fill up the jar and they didn't have any this year or if they did, I missed getting any.

I had some different colored grapes in small and medium from when we were in our "Oliver play" that we used as props. Click here to see a post about that. Anyway, she thought they would make great poison berries like in Hunger games "nightlock" berries so we pulled them off the little vines and put them in a clear fun warped jar and will label them soon. 

We also got the body parts at the dollar store. They had heart, liver, brains and the fingers so that is fun.

We pulled off the green grapes and will say they are "Frog Eyes" so both of those were easy to fill as I had several different shades of each. I got most of them at the second hand store but also some at the dollar store. 

She broke the little stems up off the grapes of all colors and put them in a jar as well as they look like goblin fingers or something. 

The plastic shell looking things on the other side she is using as "Dragon Scales" and they are the center of sun flowers. 

They have a hairy cover and we pulled the flowers apart and then pulled the furry/hairy covers off the plastic disc. She put the furry ones in a jar and is calling them "Tarantula Bodies" and the discs are in another jar for the dragon scales. 
If you have ever held a tarantula, they actually do have hairy filament bodies so it works.   

One of my favorite fillings that night was "sponge mushrooms." I bought an entire bag of them thinking they were the edible sponge mushrooms that are really healthy for you but instead, ended up getting the decorative sponge mushrooms you use for potpourri. 

They look a bit like brains so she will title those "dried Monkey Brains" or something. 

For some reason, I didn't end up having a picture of that jar with the mushrooms in it but here is a picture of the bag. I have been fighting a migraine all day so what I have is what I am using. They are from "San Francisco Herb Co." out of San Fransisco. I am sure you could find some cool dried mushrooms at a grocery or craft store or really cool ones at any Asian grocery stores if you have any in your area. 

I went to every store in town that does holiday decorations looking for more of the "bloody" fingers to fill up this jar a bit more but they didn't have any anywhere. 

I did find one store with green witches fingers but they were not cheap so I figure if I go after the holiday, I will be able to get a few bags of those and mix them with these fingers for cool effect. 

Princess did have fun doing this the first night but it got late and then she lost interest as she got "tired" of it. I realized then that she starts lots of projects or shows interest at the beginning and then fizzles out towards the end. 

I know I have been that way on certain projects so I try to give myself a time limit to get things finished as if I start and don't get it done in a certain time frame, I tend to get busy doing other things. Sometimes, that makes me have things in boxes waiting to get finished but on the other side, we have finished MANY projects as you can see by my blog. 
The funny thing about my blogging is, it is all stuff I do anyway. I never have to freak and think "what will I blog about?" because I am forever doing a new project. Something always seems to come up and usually my problem isn't finding projects to do, it is that I am doing a project and half way through think, "Oh, this would have been a good thing to post about." so I hurriedly take a picture of the project in the middle and then at the end usually forgetting the "before" picture.

Tomorrow, I will show the cute jars, lids and fillings I did  yesterday. To be continued...... 

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