
Thursday, September 11, 2014

You're A Good Man Chalie Brown Part 1

Princess Five has always enjoyed being in plays, performing on stage, dancing and singing. It is no surprise then when she tried out for the school summer production. 

They were going to do Cinderella but in the end, they did "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." Princess Four and Five were to be in it and both went to most of the summer practices only to find out that Princess Four was going to be at an ambassador retreat for College during the production. She was SO sad not to be able to be in the play.

If clicking on the video doesn't make it play, click here to go to view the video on youtube. 

Princess Five was responsible to order the shirts for the play and you can see a bit about that in the post where I was making a "Snoopy" quilt for Princess three. Click here to see that post. 
As you read in that post, I made some extra shirts for us to wear to the play and they actually had one made for Princess Four since she was going to be in the play and they added, "Number One Fan" to hers which was fun. 
Princess Five has never had a major role in any production before so was very excited when she landed the main female character of "Lucy."

She has had minor rolls in a few short plays and one larger role in last summers production of "Grease" which you can see a post about here. 
She had a minor role as an orphan in "Oliver" two summers ago. Click here for that post.  

She had a part in a "Western" one act play (click here.) She had another small role in this short play about Vietnam.

She and her sister went to state with a scene in Musical Theater from "Gypsy" and a play as well for which they took superiors at state. Click here for that post.
I think in part two, I may just add links to all of her singing posts. She was amazing as you can tell by the song posted near the top. I'll post more tomorrow.

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