
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baby Birk - Baby after my Own Heart

I found these little Birkenstock type sandals a few months ago. I had never seen little birks before so I had to get them for grand-princess. These pictures are from when we tried them on her after finding them. The were a bit big but still worked.

Last weekend she was wearing them when we went to dinner and I was frustrated I forgot my camera as she looked adorable in them. We had to take them off for her to crawl later but she was wearing them with that outfit as we went to dinner before I took the crawling pictures. 

I LOVE Birkenstocks. I have had many pair over the years and usually get a new pair or two each summer. I am so glad they have the flip-flop style now as I really don't look the like of the old style. 

You can see how I cut off the back straps of the old style in this post from awhile ago. Here is a post about customizing your old school birks.

These old type became my "working in the yard" shoe as the bending and squatting cracked the soles of my flip-flop type, I didn't want that to happen to my daily worn newer ones. 

Also, I wore these camping as I didn't care if they got sandy etc and I sat a bit too close to the fire and my niece said, "Is something falling off your shoe?" 

I looked down and my sole had melted off and was hanging down. I quickly pushed my foot down to "re-glue" it only to find that the heat had shrunk the sole of the shoe. 

So, word to the wise, Don't wear your shoes near a heat source. Also, don't wear them in or near any water. 

Princess Four had a black patten leather pair she wore all the time and got them wet in a water fight and the sole came off and I had to glue it back on. 

Princess Two and Princess Three are the only one's I can't get to wear them. Princess Two has the smallest and very thin feet and they just don't fit her well. Princess Three just doesn't like the way they look. I think if she would try them, the benefits of not having a sore back and knees outweighs the way they look.

I get compliments on them all the time. They come in cute colors but I like the neutral colors so I can wear them with anything. Right now and most days, I have the two pair you see pictured in my kitchen. One is more worn and the top is cracking some so I wear those if I am going somewhere in the dirt etc. The others, I wear "out" if I am going somewhere that I care how I look. You can see the soles aren't as worn or broken in on the back pair. 

Princess Four has two pair, and the other girls have one. Princess Five is starting to wear hers more but I think she is a bit influenced by Princess Three's refusal to wear them. It is funny how if an older sister says something, the younger one's will feel the same way and not have an explanation as to why.

When I was young, I heard my older brother say once at dinner that he didn't like fish. So, for years, I told everyone I didn't like fish. I went to New Zealand as an exchange student and thought it so funny that I told them I didn't like fish and they told me I hadn't tried their fish and chips so I had better try them. 

I tried them and LOVED them. I then tried all fish and they had wonderful trout in NZ and I came home loving fish. I KNOW it was that day at dinner as I remember it clearly and I was probably ten or so. 

I try to tell the older girls to be careful what they say around the younger girls but kids will be kids. 

Anyway, I wish Birkenstock would merge with Ugg and make me a warm boot with a good support as none of the boots on the market have any support and the girls knees pay the price of the fallen arches each winter. 

I love my baby in her Birk!

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