
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Grand Princess Labored Hard This Weekend - Crawling Princess

Some of my happiest days come when I get to see my grand-daughter. I never thought I could have so much fun with a baby. I loved having my own but being a grandma is so much fun! If she gets fussy, I get to hand her to mom or dad who are so wonderful with her. 

I don't have to change the diapers, get up in the night for feedings or any of the "hard" stuff that parents are required to do. I just get to enjoy her sweetness. 

I really thought that since we live five hours one way from them, she wouldn't want to go to us since she doesn't see us often. I figured since she is at home with mom all day, she would be a "mama's girl." 

Not so! She goes to any of us with a grin on her face. As you can see by so many of these cute photos, she really enjoys us all. 

This brings me such joy. I LOVE getting to snuggle her and play with her and hold her. We fight over who gets her and I have to say that the girls are really good to let me have some time with her. 

Princess One had a surprise party for Prince One's birthday and had it over labor day since they could have a long weekend. We weren't able to make it to the party due to school conflicts with Princess Five but we met up for lunch the next day and Princess was great at the Indian restaurant. She had us all laughing as she ate the rice, sucked on the spoon and ended up with rice everywhere. 
We left the restaurant and went to Princess Two's home. They put her on the ground and told us she started crawling the day before. 

She got right up on all fours and started going. She was a bit hesitant but she did it. We stuck keys and other items out and she would crawl to them. She crawled to princess Two and then away from her to the keys we threw.

I snapped a few pictures of her on her way crawling to them. She is such a happy baby that when she would get to them and we would throw them further, she never complained and she would just crawl to the next thing. 
She really is a happy baby and I am so grateful as that is a blessing. She is so healthy and right on schedule in her development and abilities and growth. 

I see others with trials and babies in and out of the hospital and having surgeries and I count my blessings daily as she is so healthy and beautiful and happy. 
I know that things can change in a blink and we all have our trials but we also all have our joys. She is one of my greatest joys along with my girls. I am also blessed with a wonderful family and friends. If you are reading this then you are probably in one of those groups and I LOVE you! 
I am glad that we got to see her crawl. I miss all those little mile stones she has because we are so far from her but being able to video this and enjoy seeing her was amazing. I actually got to hold her for awhile during the mission homecoming for my niece which was WONDERFUL! I got at least 1/2 an hour holding her which hasn't happened since her birth week! 
It is amazing how much love you can have for such a helpless thing.

The girls enjoyed seeing her as well. Princess Five had a cold so she didn't get too close and was sad about that but was happy she got to see her anyway. 

We had all the girls but Princess Three who was at college and didn't want to make the long drive. I understand that. Actually, Princess Five drove most of the way for our visit which I thought was much better than the last drive. 

She is getting much better. Funny how a few long trips can cure anyone of the excitement of driving. :-) With her cold, she didn't want to drive home and it was a good thing as she slept the entire way home. 

It was a wonderful Labor Day Weekend and I couldn't have picked a better place to be than with my girls and their families. 
I got to see my family as well which was just as wonderful! 

Just look at that cute face and tell me you aren't just a little jealous that I got to hold her? She truly is a blessing to our family. Prince Number One is doing a great job providing for them and Princess One is doing a wonderful job as a mom. I am blessed! 

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