
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Dehydrator Today for FREE - Oh Happy Day

I was gone most of the day supporting Princess Five and when I arrived home, I came through the garage. While I was getting dinner ready, I heard a knock at the door. It was my neighbor with a bucket of vegetables he wanted to share. I LOVE that my neighbors are all great gardeners since I am usually so busy, I don't give mine much attention. I finally got out there and fixed the sprinkler that is supposed to water the garden but was watering weeds for a month and during that time, the garden suffered losses. 

My life just is what it is and I figure I am growing amazing girls at present and when they are gone and I have more time, I may get better at the garden thing. I got my first bag of little tomatoes today from our garden and have only had a few so far and now that August is half over, my garden is finally growing just in time for the fruit to freeze before ripening. I can laugh about it because it happens every year.

My neighbor pointed out that I had a delivery on the porch. It would have been there through the night had he not come over as we use the garage to enter so I was glad he did come over as it was my new dehydrator top as the old one was recalled. I did a "happy dance" when I opened it. Here is the post about the recall.

Last week was the first time I have used my dehydrator in a year or so. I didn't want to purchase a new one but finally found a smaller one that fit the trays I already had the other day at a second hand store for $5 or so and was thrilled to get it. 

I did three trays of plums off my tree last week and five trays this week. I hardly got any plums this year and was sad as I love our plums dehydrated but the many storms we have had knocked all of them off the tree. I didn't even have enough to fill the small trays on the small dehydrator. 

I am praying that some of my friends and neighbors will have some they would like to donate as last year, I didn't do many if any apples and the same with the plums. Here is a post about that.We were gone when they came on and I was so busy that when I got back, I took bags all over the neighborhood giving them out as my dehydrator broke while trying to dry them. Sad that now when I have several working, I have no plums to dry. I shared the picture of the extra trays that had no plums to fill them.

I am grateful to say however, that our apple trees are FULL and those of you who love my apples will be in for a treat. I have two branches that are actually touching the ground they are so loaded with fruit. It will be nice to have those this year as I know many people missed them last year.

I am so grateful to my neighbors for their kindness at sharing their bounty. We had a friend over tonight and I shared a few tomatoes and cucumbers with her as she left. 

I always like to pay it forward when someone shares with me and I know that when I do share, more blessings come my way. 

One of my favorite signs I have hanging in my home is, "The hands that give, gather." I believe that is true and I know my neighbors are blessed because they share with me.

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