
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Snooped Out This Week - T-Shirt Quilt Part 2

Princess Five's play "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" started today. We had a long day of practices yesterday and some today as well as the first performance. Also, I helped Princess Three get started on her Snoopy quilt and realized I don't have a long enough quilt cutter/guide so we purchased one that will be long enough for all the tall shirts and clothes she wants on her quilt. I should have purchased one before now with all the other girls quilts we have made but just made due with the shorter one's I have. 

Princess Three picked up how to make the squares VERY quickly. I usually have to do many of them myself due to the odd shapes of the shorts or other weird thing I have put on their quilts. Click here to see how I put hats on Princess Fives Looney Tune quilt.

We've had a few storms this week as well as keeping busy getting Princess Three ready to go back to college, Princess Five is having "mini cheer" camp all week. The school has their first football game Friday night and it will be the first time Princess Five will cheer and we have two more performances of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." to attend and after the late night performance on Saturday, we head on a six hour round trip drive to a mission farewell for my nephew who will be leaving soon. 

We are trying to get the Snoopy quilt done before Princess Three heads back to college next weekend so I have my work before me. She is doing a wonderful job getting all the squares cut and really is quite the perfectionist getting everything to line up so well and cut so exact. 

It is now 5:14 a.m. and I have a full day today and need at least a few hours sleep so I hope you are understanding of the pictures and not as much explanation as there are things to explain but I will have to do it another day. 

I will say that these little kids sweat shirt fabric jumpers are fun and I will have to sew some of the arm fabric into the leg area but you can figure out how I did that but Princess Three liked that the snaps still showed and the cute leg stripes so we worked those in. I am excited for her as it is getting quite cute. She is learning how to piece things together, how to pin them and make it work out.

This will be nice when she wants to make her t-shirt quilts using her club, dance and college t-shirts later on as she will know how to square them up. Basically, you take the smallest item in the line and square all the other items in the line up to that size in height and it doesn't matter on the width side to side as much as you can fill in on the edges with a strip of fabric if you need to fill space. 

You could even purchase fleece with the print that matches your quilt and sew it on the ends or make a square here and there with it if you need to fill in space. We are thinking of putting all the "Peanuts" tags on a square as we are cutting lots of them off shirts and were surprised at how many different tags there are. 

I will share that you need to use two thicknesses of t-shirt for each square but only one thick of sweat shirt so you can always use the back of the sweatshirt as a backing for another item or shirt if you want to use the front and back of the same shirt making two squares or combining them into one square. You can see how we are doing that with the "Happiness is..." from the front and "Being part of the gang!" from the back of the shirt. We will sew them into one square so you can see both and not have to jump to another square to read the back comment. 

On the Christmas Woodstock, we are sewing the arms on to the sides of the front of the shirt since they are so cute. 

If I paid $2 for each shirt (which I KNOW I paid more than that for most of the shirts) the quilt top alone would be $60. I laughed at how many of the shirts still had tags on them and were never worn. The little outfits were worn except the Dracula one and then as they got older, it wasn't "cool" to wear the shirts as much but still cool to wear the boxers so they were both still being worn but are going on the quilt anyway. 

Princess Three's birthday is coming up and she said she just wanted her quilt. With the batting, backing, top, time and love going into it, I think it will be a wonderful quilt for a birthday present. I do have other gifts for her as well but for some reason, I think she will like this one the best.

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