
Friday, June 13, 2014

Sorry About Not Posting....

I have had a long week and suffered from Sititus (Click here for a post on that) a few times. I have also had my internet go down twice this week for a day. Not sure what is causing the interruptions in the service but I have been so busy that I actually didn't care. Last night, I tried and tried to upload the pictures and the service would work for a second and then go down. I fell asleep while trying to upload the pictures and woke sitting in the chair. 

I fell asleep earlier working on a camp project for an hour or so while sitting in the chair working. The girls kept telling me to get up and go to bed but I kept telling them that I needed to blog. It didn't help that I started with a headache about the same time and was so tired I kept putting off taking something for it. In the end, I have been fighting a headache all day, dragged around all day and with the headache, didn't sleep well in the end.

Not sure why I am so tired the past week or two but I am guessing graduation, family visits, and working on the garage, going out of town for a VERY long wedding and coming back in the wee morning hours and taking a day trip to visit Princess Three who is working this summer in a town about an hour away, all played into my being tired this week. 

I was getting down on myself but then when I look at everything I have done in the past two weeks, along with getting girls camp ready, I have gotten lots done but it is on so many projects and not one is finished so it feels like I haven't accomplished anything when in reality, I have gotten lots of projects near completion and did actually finish three camp projects so I guess I did get things done but you can't "See" the camp projects so I should just relax some and be grateful I have four of the five Princesses home this weekend. 

I will post the post I was working on for today on Monday with the hopes the internet problem is fixed. I just took more pills and am getting my feet massaged while I write this hoping I can maybe get some sleep tonight as my headache never really went away today and is now getting much worse. 

Hope your weekend is a good one.... and mine as well....

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