
Monday, June 16, 2014

Dinner Blessings Just For ME!

 I had four of the girls home this weekend. It was busy. They all seemed to need something from me at different times and my friend had all her family and friends in town for her son who is leaving this week to go serve as a missionary. 

She had everyone for dinner and so I helped her by cooking two of the pizza's and taking them to the park for the party after he spoke at our church. 

When it was over, we were helping clean up and she sent us home with these two pizzas. 

Since I can't eat anything with gluten in it since last October when I found out I was having thyroid problems due to a gluten problem, I haven't been able to enjoy pizza which is one of my favorite foods. 

The girls ate the pizza for dinner and several commented on how wonderful it tasted. 

The only thing I was able to eat at their lunch was a bit of salad. I was fighting a headache as it was overcast on and off most of the day. At dinner time, I was hungry but couldn't eat the pizza and we had some car issues yesterday which took up most of the day. I did make a roast but it wasn't big and we ate almost the entire thing in one setting. 

It was getting later and I was fighting that headache and my phone rings and it is my good friend Julie. She had lots of her family over for dinner today and made two roasts thinking they would eat it all. She said she had some left overs and asked if I would like them. 

I usually don't take people up on their offer but this week has really drained me and I thought the weekend would be better but it was quite busy so them calling was such a blessing and an answer to prayer. 

I told her she was inspired and she shared that it was actually her husbands idea. I told her to thank him for me. 

Even though the girls don't have a Father in their life, their Heavenly Father takes up the slack and gives us people like this in our lives. Happy Fathers dad J! Thanks for thinking of us. 

The roast was so good and the fruit salad was heavenly. I need to get the recipe from my friend and share it on here. I LOVED it. I eat at least one banana a day but many days I eat two. One in the morning on cereal and one at night before bed. I know I need the potassium but I have always loved bananas. My favorite Laffy Taffy is Banana. Did you know you can buy a tub of just Banana flavor? 

The salad must have banana pudding in it or something. It was good. The girls enjoyed some but I had a wonderful meal and I didn't have to do anything but put it on a plate. 

Thank you J and J for your thoughtfulness and for being angels in my life. You made my day.

I also wanted to take this time to thank all the Fathers in my life who have blessed me so much. My girls have many uncles, a grandpa, and fathers of friends who show my girls that there are wonderful fathers and men out there. Keep up the good work all you amazing men! Thanks for all you do and I hope you had a WONDERFUL Fathers day! !

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