
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

PS2 Gaming System Blessing.

Many years ago when PlayStation first came out with PS2, a family friend gave us the gaming system. It was sweet of him and we are continually grateful for the blessings people give us that make our lives better. 

The girls LOVED the system and over the years, we would add new games to play and sometimes they wouldn't like a game so we would get rid of it and get others we liked better.

It was a first generation play station and was a bit bulky and thick. As the games got more and more graphics and more music etc, the system would take more and more tries to start working. 

Finally, I called the company asking about why the newer games wouldn't play but the older games would. The company said that the new games were too advanced for the first generation play station 2. She told me if I wanted them to work, I would need to get the second generation playstation 2. That was years ago. I won the Wii system in 2007 and bought the "Rockband" for the playstation instead of the Wii but we were never really able to play it much. 

The other day, I finally found a second generation Playstation 2. It is silver and thin. I plugged it in with a dvd in it at the store to a TV and couldn't make it work at first but tried again and it did work. I didn't want to spend the $20 on it if it didn't work. 

It was interesting that just the day or so before, the girls were talking about how they wished they could play some of their favorite playstation games. 

The new game came with one controller so I picked up a second so we can sell the old one with two controllers and an old game or two.

I came home and hooked it right up and the girls were THRILLED about it. They LOVE that they can play all their playstation games without any problem or cleaning the lens or 20 tries. It just works all the time. 

They started going through the games and playing all the games that they couldn't get to work and deciding on if they want to keep specific games. We have a pile going of things that we are going to get rid of as they continue working their way through the games to see if the game is something they wish to keep.
I worked on camp stuff and the girls helped me with the Snow White puzzle when it wasn't their turn to play. We finished the puzzle that day as they were down there playing games for hours.

The next day wasn't much different as they wanted to play the "Scooby Doo" game that we have that they haven't played since 2007 according to the memory cards. That was when we won the Wii and it wasn't worth taking the time to try and get the playstation to work. 

A few years ago, I weeded through the games and got rid of a stack but didn't take the time to play any of the games. It is nice that the girls can do that now. It has been fun to see them play games together and remember the days "back when" when they used to play that game before. 

I am so grateful that I was blessed to find that ps2 second generation as I have been keeping an eye out for one for many years now. I haven't ever seen one so was very pleased to find one. I know my Father in Heaven loves me and the girls as Princess Five was worried she would be lonely this summer as Princess Four gets ready to head off for college. Now they play together and are creating their own memories.

One may ask why keep it at all but if you count the amount of money I have spent on games and accessories, we would never get back even a tenth of what we payed. It is also my favorite way to work out. I LOVE the dance games and their work out modes. I liked it so much that I had two thin mats and ended up buying two more mats that were really thick so that it wouldn't hurt my back to dance on the cement. We have all the stuff for Rock Band, Guitar Hero, dance party, karaoke with three microphones and many games not all of which you can see in the picture. 

The girls act like it is Christmas that they have all those games to play now. I haven't had a chance to do "Dance Dance" yet but look forward to it.I love the workout mode that I can choose what song and the difficulty and make it as hard or as easy as I like and can vary the intensity and that after, it will tell me how many calories I burned. 

If you haven't tried the dance games or the karaoke party games on play station, you are missing out. One of my most favorite dates since being divorced was a friend from high school took me to his work and hooked his playstation to the huge screen and we sang karaoke songs and picked our characters and the songs we wanted to sing. I immediately went out and purchased the game for my kids. We have had fun unlocking the new stages, clothing and songs that come with the games. 

It is interesting how attached the kids and people in general get to gaming systems and I am sure that is why they are always in demand on ebay and other sites. I am giving gratitude for them today!

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