
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Preference Dance - One Sweet Princess

Princess Four had a fun idea or two for her group of friends for Spring Girls Preference dance. I posted a blog about how she asked her date to Preference and how he replied. See that post here.

With that, they went on their date and the group had many special needs students in it. They had a few issues with personality conflicts but they knew it before hand so they planned car rides accordingly. They were able to do a picture scavenger hunt with two different groups. 

They didn't want it to be competitive as many of the students can't handle "losing" well and didn't want anyone to feel that they had to "compete." With that, they had each team get the same clues of items they needed to get pictures of but, the way they could make it work and not have both teams arriving near the same time and the same place in town, was to have the clues for the items in envelops and after getting the item pictured that they had on that clue, they could choose another envelope with another clue in it.

Each team picked their envelopes in different orders so they most likely would never be at the same place in town at the same time. 

They made each of the clues rhyme but they didn't want to make the clues so difficult that the special needs kids couldn't "get" the clue and figure out where the next picture was to be taken so the clues were more of a telling rhyme so that everyone could participate in knowing where to go to get the next picture taken.

Before they went on the scavenger hunt, they wanted a "Photo Shoot" as they weren't sure how the pictures at the dance would turn out so Princess asked me if I would be willing to be on "call" for the daytime and night time photo shoots for the date. 

I told her I would LOVE to do that as I was blessed with some great cameras due to my Panasonic win a few years ago. click here to see that post.

I went to a local park and we took some cute pictures of each couple at different places around the park and playground. Then, Princess had printed off letters in different colors to spell out the word "Preference" and the date. She wanted some cute photos using the letters. We took several but their favorite was the one of all of them jumping while holding the signs. 

I took several of each couple holding the signs while jumping and it was funny that the couple that had the hardest time was Princess Four and her date. Finally, I suggested that only one leg go up and we finally got this cute picture. There were several other cute ones but there were so many to choose from that I stuck mostly with the one's of Princess so all the faces weren't blotted out. 

After the photo shoot, they went on the photo scavenger hunt. Once they finished that, both teams met up at one of the girls homes to share the photos and then they ate pizza while they watched a movie. 

That night, after they had all changed into their "dance" attire, I met them at the school and we took pictures outside of the dance in the hall. We once again had the letters and took some cute photos with them. 

One of the girls that helped plan the date brought a picture frame and we took some cute pictures with that as well. I got several of each couple alone and then several different poses with the entire group and then just pictures with the boys and pictures with the girls.

Of course we had to take a few crazy pictures as well just for fun and I think some of those are my favorite of the night as it shows some of the personality of the kids that went. 

I got this one of the girls blowing kisses to their dates which was fun. 

I hadn't talked to Princess much about it as we had many things going on that week but saw some of the kids pictures posted on facebook. I recognized my friends home in one of the facebook posts but her daughters didn't go to the dance so I asked my friend about why one of the special needs girls pictures was in her home. She said that her daughters helped the girl shop for the dress she wore and curled her hair and since the girl lives with an aunt, she had the boy pick the girl up at her home. 

She said it was really cute as they have a large curved staircase in the foyer and she said that the girl asked if she could wait for the boy that was picking her up in the upstairs so that when he came to pick her up, she could descend the staircase while he waited for her. 

My friend said she "floated" down the stairs like you would see in an old movie like "Gone With the Wind" or a similar movie. She said it was neat to see her daughters step up to the task of helping make this girls night wonderful.

After the dance, they all arrived at my home to eat ice cream and play games or watch another movie but it got to be really late and I think some of the kids had had too much stimulation for one day as several of the kids are antisocial usually. I thought they all handled themselves very well. 

I made photo discs for all the kids in the group and Princess distributed them. I also wrote a note to one person in the group who had a particularly challenging date. I was VERY impressed with the way they handled a long day with such a difficult date. I am sure it was a challenge for their patience but I had princess drop off the note with a box of chocolates. I had a hard time being around them for the time I was through the day so I know that this person really had a long day in doing this service.

I think everyone had a good time at least most of the day even though there were a few tense moments when the entire group was together but I have to say I was VERY impressed with this group of kids that they could plan and execute such a long and wonderful date for these kids that may never have had the opportunity to go otherwise. I know that the kids and families of the kids were appreciative that they could go and have a fun experience at the dance. 

I am proud of Princess Four. She came home and said she really had a fun day and I know she enjoyed her date this year more than the date she had last year because it helped her make others feel good and she made it fun for the entire group by planning ahead and getting all the details in order. The entire group of kids are just top notch kids and I don't think any of the special needs kids felt out of place or awkward so that will say much about what type of kids Princess Four has chosen for friends. 

I am grateful to live in a place that has so many amazing teens who are out doing good works!

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