
Friday, April 4, 2014

Happiness and Gratitude - The Secret IS Gratitude!

I started watching a video that someone posted a link for on Facebook. I am not one to spend much time on facebook or youtube. The title of the first video then led me to the next video and then I ended up watching a third video before heading back to life.

All of them were wonderful and inspirational. This first one was my favorite. It was a group that took information about gratitude and tried and experiment. They had volunteers come in and take a questionnaire about how happy they were. They then had the people think of the "One" person who has made a difference in their lives and write a paper about how they changed them.

They then told the people to call that "one" person and read them the paper they wrote. The people were then given a new questionnaire but the questions were written in a way that the people wouldn't know it was the same test. The results were amazing. Those that couldn't call the people they wrote about (they died etc) were happier but those that called and gave gratitude for the person on the phone, were MUCH happier and the most interesting thing was that the most unhappy person that called and gave gratitude to someone in their life ended up having the biggest change in their happiness.

Here is a link to the post I wrote about above. Happiness Experiment (Click here for that video)
I can testify that this has been true in my life. If you read my "Gratitude" moments on this blog, you will realize that serving others and giving gratitude makes life all the better for you. As I was typing this paragraph, I was watching a show (actually, I was listening to it in the back ground as I posted this.) I had to laugh out loud when on the show, "Jimmy Eat World" started playing. If you have read this blog for long, you will know what that group means to me.(Click here to read the first post about that.)When I finished writing this, the end of the show was on and "Jimmy Eat World" came on again. I just smiled. They are singing "Hear You Me" while I type this and tears are in my eyes as I listen. Funny how they just happened to be in an episode of the series I am watching on the day I happen to be writing about Happiness and Gratitude....
No, there ares no coincidences in life. God is letting me know He loves me..... How blessed I feel. Thank you "Jimmy Eat World" for letting me know God loves me!

The second post was the link that I watched off facebook. It is about a group of friends and family that shaved their heads for their sister, daughter etc. The wom(Click here for that video)
an got cancer and the women in her life decided to shave their heads to show her support. I cried openly as the grandmother, mother, sisters and friends all shaved their heads and then did a photo shoot of them all bald. It was so sweet that they were all willing to do this for her. You could see how much it meant to her. The name of the video is "For the love of a friend"

The last video I watched was one on the side of the first one. It is about several cancer patients that they took and told them to keep their eyes closed while they gave them a make over. I don't want to ruin the effect of the video It is worth a watch. It is called; "If only for a Second" (Click here for that video)

I hope these videos find you happy and full of GRATITUDE!

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