
Friday, April 11, 2014

Much Ado About Something.... Region Winners, Going to State

Princess Four has had a VERY busy week with Sterling Scholar, Prom and the play but the morning after prom, she arrived home at 3 a.m. and had to be at the school by 4:30 a.m. 

She and Princess Five are in a one act play which they took to region. Most of the actors wear masks for the entire play. It is a play designed to be performed on a street corner back in the day. 

They performed it at the school in the afternoon of Sterling Scholar interviews but before the awards program so I was able to watch it before they went to Region. 

The girls have also been practicing for a musical theater scene called "If Momma Was Married."  They are both in the play and the musical theater scene is just the two of them doing a duet singing that song from the Musical "Gypsy." 
I hadn't ever seen the play before and just started snapping pictures and was thrilled when I got pictures of both of the girls in the air at one point. They both jumped in the play which I didn't know. 

Princess Five also does some acrobat moves and is working on getting her back hand spring down.

I was happy that I found this picture on the camera as she is half way to the ground. 

The masks get them kinda sweaty and makes them hot. Even with that, when they finished, the smiles on their faces let me know that they are loving being in the play.
The girls called me from the competition which was hours away and they were so excited that I couldn't even understand what they were saying. 

I guess there were three rounds where they did their musical theater scene and they get graded on each round against four or five others scenes. 
In the first two rounds, they took first and I'm not sure what place they took in the third round but whatever it was, they did well enough to continue on to State Drama competition.

In the play, they took first place and Princess Four was voted "Best Character Actress." She was so excited that she was talking so fast that I had to ask her several times what she was trying to tell me. 

She told me that the judges all mentioned how well the girls voices harmonized. And both girls were really excited when they got home, they couldn't stop talking about it. 

Princess Five told me about a really talented girl who told her that she was her favorite out of all the scenes because she loved her facials. 

I am looking forward to seeing how they do at state. I competed in state drama and got a superior rating when I was a senior and have fond memories of that experience. Hopefully Princess Four will have similar wonderful memories.

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